News Flash: Cape Cod Sea Camps is Hiring! View their open jobs HERE
The Cape Cod Sea Camps Mission
Through personal commitment and dedicated to the development and guidance of youth we will provide a unique educational environment in which individuals have fun and realize their worth and potential.
Working Philosophy
The Cape Cod Sea Camps are preeminently dedicated to the guidance of youth and founded on the principles of love for fellow men and appreciation of God’s world and people. Camping is a joyful educational experience carefully designed to allow children to develop all aspects of their personalities – physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. Children at camp are viewed not merely as “miniature adults”, but as youngsters who need constant care and attention to help them develop into happy, productive, sensitive men and women. Camp provides a microcosm in which a child’s attitudes will be greatly influenced and in which he may “experiment” with new types of behaviors in a controlled, responsive environment. Camp helps children learn about themselves as they learn about people and natural beauty around them. As each child is respected as an individual, so he is encouraged to become sensitive to the unique aspects of humanity in others. Children are helped to overcome the insensitivity inherent in categorizing individuals by group associated through living, working, playing with others of both sexes, and various ethnic, religious and racial backgrounds.
The Cape Cod Sea Camps are “people places” where the needs of children and abilities of the staff determine the program; no tradition is so entrenched that is wisdom cannot be scrutinized and no proposed innovation is too radical not to merit serious consideration. The essence of the camp is the multifaceted composite personality of every person who has influenced it throughout more than three quarters of a century, and the substance of its future has yet to be determined by those who will give of themselves tomorrow. Everything that happens at Cape Cod Sea Camps, however, is strongly imbued with the moral consciousness that it takes time for a child to grow and a deep conviction that camping is indeed an educational experience, and unlike any other anywhere.
- Camping is an Educational Experience
- Camp develops all aspects of a camper’s personality-physical, mental, spiritual, emotional
- Each child is respected as an individual and encouraged to become sensitive to the diversity in the world around us
- Camp is a “people place”
History of Cape Cod Sea Camps
The history of the Cape Cod Sea Camps, Camp Monomoy for Boys and Camp Wono for Girls, is the story not only of two children’s camps, but also of a family, the Delahantys. More than any other single individual, Robert J Delahanty created and crafted the essence and character of the Sea Camps. It was his vision that came to life in 1922 and which still endures today. With the inestimable assistance of his wife and partner, Emma Berry Delahanty, and later, their daughter, Berry Delahanty Richardson, Captain Del gave substance to his dreams, founding a business and embarking on a calling.
Captain and Mrs. Del dedicated themselves to serving youth. From the beginning of his career, Captain Del passionately believed in the educational and spiritual value of properly constructed recreational activities. His brilliance shone through in his camp program offerings, and also in his innate sense of what was good and useful for children. He understood that every child needs to be best at something, whether hitting a baseball the furthest, sailing a course the quickest, swimming a distance the fastest, or simply having the most perfect bed in camp.
Today the Delahanty tradition not only endures, it flourishes! Captain and Mrs. Del’s granddaughter, Nancy Garran, now steers the ship with the same commitment to excellence laid down by her grandparents and her Aunt Berry.
News Flash: Cape Cod Sea Camps is Hiring! View their open jobs HERE
Work at CCSC
Our counseling staff is comprised of college students, graduate students and teachers. We are looking for individuals who have the desire and talent to make a difference in a child’s life. It is probably one of the most demanding, yet satisfying jobs on the planet. Our staff are chosen carefully, with an eye on their ability to be good role models, contribute positively to children and to teach specific activities. There are 90 Resident Camp counselors, 74 Day Camp counselors and 28 supervisory staff.
Camp Season
The camp season is 7 weeks long for the campers, June 29th – August 16th, 2014; and the day camp season is July 1st – August 16th, 2014. The commitment for staff is approximately 8 weeks, June 23rd – August 18th, 2014. Counselors must attend the staff orientation prior to the campers’ arrival and remain at camp after the campers’ departure until their responsibilities are completed.
There are approximately 380 campers ages 8-17 in our Resident Camp and 300 campers ages 4-17 in our Day Camp.
In each unit there are 5-10 counselors and a Head Counselor, augmented by 4th year Junior Counselors. At the Resident Camp, there are always at least two counselors in each cabin such that the counselors have every other night off and one day off per week as assigned by our Program Director. Counselor areas are simple but are separated from the camper areas. Most all cabins have bathrooms attached and all cabins have electricity. Shower houses are adjacent to the cabin areas.
Our Program Director assigns counselors to activity areas on a weekly basis. Activity periods last approximately 1 hour. Depending on the number of campers taking an activity, there are a proportionate amount of staff assigned for coverage, i.e. 25 campers in archery would have 4 staff assigned. Sailing, water-skiing, windsurfing and canoeing are offered as all-morning or all-afternoon activities. The major activities we hire staff to teach include: Sailing, swimming, tennis, arts and crafts, drama, woodworking, archery, riflery (BB’s and .22’s), photography, nature, landsports, dance, newspaper/good books/creative writing, cycling, snorkeling, waterskiing, kayaking, windsurfing. We encourage counselors to introduce new activities within the confines of our camp philosophy.
Sailing Staff
Members of the sailing staff must have current certification in CPR, First Aid and Lifeguarding or Small Craft Safety (sailing, canoe/kayak). Other certificates are welcome such as US Sailing Level 1 Certification, USCG Launch Tender License (or higher license).
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