Foiling boats are the next big thing in sailing. Foiling has been around for years, but recently foiling has made a big step in sailing especially with the America’s Cup that just finished up. Maybe you even had a chance to see the video of the foiling opti! In February, we had a class profile on the new boat the Waszp, which is making foiling more accessible to everyone who wants to give it a try.
As you know fitness in sailing is so important for bettering your performance on the water. So what about fitness for foiling? To be able to foil it takes many skills, but you especially need to make sure your fitness is at a top level. In the spring when I headed out on the waszp I learned what fitness skills I needed to improve on to become better at foiling. It takes speed, agility, strength, balance, aerobic capacity, and endurance to be able to sail these foiling boats. If you had a chance to follow the America’s Cup you saw how hard those guys are working on those boats. Check out this great article on what goes into their training: The kickass total-body conditioning workout of Oracle Team USA, America’s top sailing squad.
So how can we train to get into top shape for foiling? Check out below a total-body workout that will help you get into top shape for your next foiling adventure. Also, check out the moves in the video.
Foiling Workout:
-Warm up with Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes)
Core Activation:
Agility Ladder: Out In’s x 2
Single Leg Burpee (30 seconds)
Shoulder Taps (30 seconds)
Agility Ladder: Out In’s x 2
Repeat 2x No Rest
Ski Abs (1 minute)
Agility Ladder: Hip Switch Drill x 2
Split Lunges (1 minute)
Agility Ladder: Hip Switch Drill x 2
Sprint 70 yards
Repeat 3x with 60 seconds rest between sets
Squat Jumps (1 minute)
Agility Ladder: One Leg Hop x 2
Burpee with push up (1 minute)
Agility Ladder: One Leg Hop x 2
Sprint 70 yards
Repeat 3x with 60 seconds rest between sets
-Cool Down with Foam Rolling and Static Stretching
For more information on fitness for sailing contact Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
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