Sail1Design supports high school sailing, because it is where future great one-design sailors, in may cases, are made. We are proud, with the help of KO Sailing, to present this award annually to the top high school sailing team in the country. Our panel of judges looks at the entire season of district events, and of course, the Mallory and Baker National Championship results. To win this award, at a minimum, the team must qualify for at least one of these events. We also look for participation in the Singhlended Cressy National championship in the fall. Finally, we encourage written nomination submissions. If you think your sailing team deserves this award, tell us why in a 200 word minimum letter, to editor@sail1design.com. This award is presented annually, in June, after the preceding year’s full high school sailing season.
Says Mark McNamara, president of KO Sailing, “KO sailing is a major supporter for competitive sailors between the ages of 8 and 18, helping them to compete at the highest level. To us, the High School Team of the year award is a perfect way to recognize those teams for their success and achievements in their respective elements. There is a great synergy between what KO Sailing is doing on the ground, and at events, in support of what these recipients have achieved. This program is just a great way for the country to recognize those sailors as they grow. Sail 1 Design, with their expertise and as the information resource for all things one design, is the only team to work with.”
2015-2016 – St. George’s School
2016-2017 – Point Loma High School
KO Sailing is a premier provider of performance and recreational sailboats, kayaks, stand up paddle boards and accessories for the competitive one design racer or the water sports enthusiast. Whether it’s a pair of hiking pants for your Laser sailor, kayaker, or your child’s first Optimist, KO Sailing will ensure your water experience is a success. KO Sailing offers three convenient ways to shop. Visit the retail store in Seabrook, Texas, visit the KO Sailing support trailer at a race event or shop online catalog at kosailing.com.