Optimist sailing, for so many, is where it all starts. In fact, there may be no healthier one-design class in North America than the US Optimist Class. Sail1Design is proud to salute this boat, the people involved in the class, but most importantly, the kids who get out there in sail in this great little boat.
This award, announced each January, goes to the Optimist sailor, who in the evaluation of our judge panel (from nominated sailors), had the best overall sailing year, for the preceding calendar year. This is YOUR award! We require written submissions of nomination; in fact we only choose from nominated sailors, and do not suggest nor solicit specific nominations. If you’d like to nominate an Optimist sailor, please write a 200 word minimum letter, with regatta results, to editor@sail1design.com.
This is YOUR award! We require written submissions of nomination; in fact we only choose from nominated sailors, and do not suggest nor solicit specific nominations. If you’d like to nominate an Optimist sailor, please write a 200 word minimum letter, with regatta results, to editor@sail1design.com. Please make sure we receive this letter before 31 DECEMBER 2016.
Thanks to McLaughlin, the winner will get 3 great awards in addition to the honor of winning:
1. A beautiful, framed & engraved painting to keep forever.
2. What’s more, and in keeping with the philosophy of both Sail1Design & McLaughlin, the winner will have the opportunity to give “the gift of giving”, or give back to sailing, and choose, on his or her own, an “up-and-coming” Optimist sailor to receive a FREE charter of a McLaughlin Optimist at a major US Optimist event on McLaughlin’s schedule! Sail1Design will help work out details of when and where this great gift is made.
3. Finally, the winner will ALSO receive his or her own free charter as well!
2018 – Tommy Sitzmann
2017 – Stephan Baker
2016 – Justin Callahan
2015 – Luke Arnone