Last fall I completed the Performance Coaching Systems Group Training Specialist Level 1 course. At the course I was introduced to the sandbag. I fell in love with this training tool (and even bought one from my instructors at the end of the training course). Sandbag training is fun and I think it’s a great addition to add to your training routine for sailing.
What makes the Sandbag Great for Building Strength for Sailing:
1. Sandbags vary in weight sizes and you can easily adjust the weight to pick the perfect weight for you.
2. The sandbag is awkward to lift, and this requires you to work hard to perform exercises which helps you build total body strength.
3. Your grip strength will majorly improve with the sandbag.
4. The sandbag is unstable which helps you to gain serious core strength.
Sandbag Workout:
-Warm up with Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes)
Core Activation:
Push Ups (30 secs)
Plank w/ Alternating Leg Lift (30 secs)
Single Leg Squat (30 secs each side)
Split Lunges (30 secs)
Repeat x 3 with 30 secs rest between sets
1. Sandbag Bent Row (12 reps)
2. Sandbag Rotational Lunge (20 reps)
3. Sandbag Bearhug Squat (12 reps)
Repeat 3x with 30 secs Rest between sets
1. Sandbag Standing Overhead Press (12 reps)
2. Sandbag Pull Through (20 reps)
3. Zercher Squat (15 reps)
Repeat 3x with 30 secs Rest between sets
1. Front-Loaded Sandbag Good Mornings (15 reps)
2. Crawl with Pull Through (10 reps)
3. Alternating Overhead Press (12 reps)
Repeat 3x with 30 secs Rest between sets
-Cool Down with Foam Rolling and Static Stretching
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