American Yacht Club is proud to announce that it will be the host to the Long Island Sound Youth Sailing Team, (LISOT), and the Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sounds’, (JSALIS), 2013 Van Duyne Advanced Racing Clinic from May25th through May 27th.
Named for legendary Finn sailor Carl Van Duyne, this is the premier racing clinic for youth sailors on Long Island Sound and in New England. The clinic is aimed at experienced racing sailors who aspire to raise the level of their performance through three days of intense training both on and off the water. Areas of focus will include boat set up, sail trim, mechanics, boat handling, tactics, rules, fitness and nutrition by elite coaches and winning sailors.
Headed by 2012 US Sailing Development Coach of the Year Steve Keen and organized by American Yacht Club’s Kevin Broome, the clinic’s coaches include Pepe Bettini (29er) , Skip Whyte (420), Nikos Drougkas (420), Rob Crane (Laser), Anna Tunnecliffe, (Radial), Richard Feeney, (Nacra), and many others. Additionally, the clinic will include after sailing speakers who will address critical topics such as Rules, Strategy, Tactics, Fitness and Nutrition.
The clinic is open to any junior C420, I420, Laser, Radial, 29er or Nacra sailor from anywhere in the country who wants to raise their skill level through interaction with the best sailors on the planet. You are welcome to come join us on Long Island Sound and to sail with the best – on a first come first serve basis, (space is limited). It is an “open” clinic for advanced racing sailors – leave your resume at home and prove yourself on the water! To be clear, this is not a “learn to sail” event – it is aimed at sailors who have experience in their particular boats and at racing in multiple events.
This is a bring your own boat clinic. Steve Keen can help arrange a limited number of charter boats from private owners for the I420, C420 and 29er. Additionally, Oakcliff Sailing has kindly offered to lend some of its Nacra 17 fleet for use by US Sailing Development Team Sailors. If you require housing, please contact Steve or Scott and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
If you would like to attend this clinic, please sign up now. To sign up please log onto the LISOT site at You will need to create an account, (if you have not previously done so), after which you simply click on “create or delete sign up”. Use the pull down menu to select Van Duyne clinic, (make sure to select the appropriate boat class), and fill out the appropriate information. The fee for the event is $330 per person, (not per boat).
Additional information is on the CVD Facebook page, and will be posted as we near the event. If you would like to speak with Coach Keen about this event, charter boats or whether or not this is right for you please feel free e-mail him at
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