July 13 – July 14, 2019
Hampton, Virginia
1.1 The regatta will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020.
1.2 US Sailing Prescriptions to RRS 63.2 and 63.4 will not apply.
1.3 This event is designated a Clean Regatta by the Sailors for the Sea Organization, http://www.sailorsforthesea.org/, a nonprofit organization that educates and empowers boaters to protect and restore our oceans and coastal waters. Single-use plastics including water bottles will not be allowed. HYC and the OA is committed to sustainability and limiting waste.
1.4 Spectator Boats may be available.
2.1 The regatta is open to One-Design classes under 25’. Portsmouth scoring will be available for a combined fleet of registrants that do not equal a fleet of 5 boats.
2.2 Entrants are encouraged to register online through Regatta Network at http://www.regattanetwork.com or at http://www.tylerpatnaude.com/ or with a valid CBYRA entry form at time of registration.
2.3 The Entry Fee is $35 and includes one (1) ticket to the Boats and Bow Ties Gala to be held at HYC on Sat night. Additional tickets are $35
2.4 Free launch, haul, and boat/trailer storage is provided with multiple hoists available.
3.1 The regatta will consist of multiple windward/leeward or trapezoid races for all fleets (Sonars will only compete on Saturday).
3.2 Friday, July 12
1200 – Optional Practice Day
1800 – 2000 Registration/Check-In Open (HYC Lounge)
3.3 Saturday, July 13
0700 – Optional Breakfast (HYC Lounge)
0800 – Late Registration/Check-In Opens (HYC Lounge)
1000 – Competitors Meeting (HYC Flagpole)
1100 – First Warning Signal
1800 – 2200 – Boats and Bow Ties Gala
3.4 Sunday, July 14
0700 – Optional Breakfast (HYC Lounge)
1000 – Warning Signal
Awards Ceremony and Social Immediately to follow Racing
** No starting sequence may begin after 1500 Sunday.
4.1 Multiple windward/leeward or trapezoid races will be attempted each day.
5.1 Off Hampton Flats approximately 1 nm SW of mouth of Hampton River (near mooring buoy).
6.1 Printed S.I.s will be available at Registration, and an original copy as well as any amendments will be posted on the Notice Board
6.2 Preliminary S.I.s will be posted electronically several days prior to the regatta.
6.3 Final fleets, class flags, and Order of Starts will be provided at the Skippers Meeting.
Preliminary, unofficial information may be posted at HYC and/or electronically prior to that.
7.1 RRS Appendix A Low Point Scoring will be used (one throw-out after a minimum of 6 races)
7.2 Portsmouth handicapping system will be utilized for an Open fleet.
7.3 Awards will be presented in each fleet of at least three boats paid by July 1 as well as the overall winner of the open fleet.
8.1 Regatta entry includes one ticket for entry, additional tickets can be purchased online for $35 at http://www.tylerpatnaude.com/
8.2 Proceeds for the event benefit youth sailing in the Hampton Roads area through the Tyler Patnaude Foundation, a non-profit 501(C)3.
8.3 Attendees are encouraged to show your casual southern style with a bow tie, boat shoes, seersucker, sun dress, shorts or anything nautical. Enjoy great food, live music, and auction on shore.
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
Event Coordinator Maxwell Plarr (610) 417-5529 maxwell.plarr@cnu.edu
HYC OD Fleet Captain Joe Buczkowski (757) 416-9807 joebuczkowski@aol.com
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