Interview with Villanova’s Matthew Newborn
Matthew Newborn, the volunteer coach for Villanova University, has lots to be proud of in his first season. The team has gained massive visibility online and on the water in a short amount of time. Two weekends ago, the team competed in the Charleston Intersectional and placed a respectable 14th place. Newborn, who saw the opportunity to coach at Villanova as a way to give back to the community, is no stranger to building up club teams. From 2006-2010, Newborn and his roommate worked hard to build up the club team at Virginia Tech.
Q: What was your experience with Virginia Tech club sailing?
We rebuilt the team when I was there, and unfortunately it has fallen off since I was there. That’s what drove me to get involved with Villanova. I worked hard to build up the program and made some mistakes. Coaching Villanova has given me the opportunity to help and right some of the mistakes I made with the Virginia Tech team.
Q: How has your experiences with Villanova been different than your experience at Virginia Tech?
Villanova is in a much better situation. I’m never scrambling to find sailors.
Q: How long have you been the volunteer coach for Villanova University?
A: I have been the coach of Villanova for a little over a year now. I took over for the former coach, Craig Priniski, who was instrumental to the team starting back up in the early 2000’s.
Q: How did you become the sailing coach for Villanova?
A: I acquired the position through an ad on Sail1Design! The position appealed to me because it gave me the opportunity to really get involved and help to develop and turn around a program while also giving me the flexibility to still hold down a full time job that requires me to do a fair amount of traveling.
Q: Roughly how many hours a week do you spend volunteering your time to coach the team?
A: On a normal week I coach a three-hour (plus or minus) practice three or four days a week and then the regatta on the weekends! We usually practice on Tuesday and Wednesdays and then a somewhat shorter practice before we leave for the regatta. I would estimate if you count each weekend day as 8 hours I am putting in 25-30 hours a week coaching.
Q: How has the team grown in numbers and skill over the past year?
A: Our team has really grown since last year. Last year the freshman class I inherited was essentially 2 people. This year I have already sailed 6 in regattas and for next year I have already been in contact with 14 recruits! We hope to have a strong recruiting class that will be able to build on the momentum we have going right now. As I like to say to the team, success begets success! Our sailing has greatly improved in the past year. We culminated our fall season by finishing top 5 at the MAISA Club Championships regatta. This was by far the best that the team has ever done. As of right now we are ranked 20th in the conference, up significantly from being ranked around 38th last year. We expect to finish up this season as a top 15 team.
Q: To what do you attribute the current successes of the team?
A: Moving yacht clubs and dedicating ourselves to practice regularly have been major contributors to our success. I am just really a practice moderator. I facilitate getting the kids in positions to have them coach up and develop each other’s sailing skills. As we bring in talented new youngsters and spend more and more time in practice and competition, I expect the skill level of the team to continue to develop.
Q: Many of the team’s seniors like Andrew Sayre has been instrumental to the team growth and success this year. Do you think Villanova will be able to maintain this stamina once these team leaders graduate?
A: Maintaining the stamina and drive will not be an issue for this team. One of the first things that we did when I was the coach was to establish short and long-term goals. The new group of officers that I have is aware of the goals and what we need to do to achieve them. Andrew and my other senior leaders have spent a great deal of time preparing the next group of officers to pick up where they left off and they will continue to breed a tradition of excellence at Villanova. Andrew and my other senior team leaders will be transitioning to a leadership role within our alumni, which will be a big benefit for us going down the road
Q: How did the Charleston Intersectional go?
A: It went ok. We hadn’t had a chance to get on the water yet, we were not as sharp as I would have liked. We were competitive. We were mid-fleet most of the day. Our goal was 10th or 11th spot and ended up in 14th. My lighter pair was out there when it started to really blow-they went for a swim. We measured up quite a bit. With some practice we could have eliminated some of the mistakes we made.
Q: Now that the team has raced against top teams, do you see any changes in your sailors? Do you have any plans to change your practice regimen?
A: It changed the enthusiasm level of the team. I can see from the gym sessions and meetings there’s an eagerness to line up against the best and to achieve at higher levels. My better sailors are really fired up. Andrew is dying to get out there and get sailing. It won’t change the way that we prepare at all. It will make my job easier.
Q: When at major regattas, do you feel like your sailors are hindered because of their status as a club team with a volunteer coach as opposed to being a varsity team?
A: I definitely feel hindered because of the club vs. varsity distinction. Being a volunteer hasn’t hindered me yet. I don’t have an established reputation in the coaching circle like most coaches do. I’m recruiting students, not sailors. Academics are number one for my sailors. While varsity teams are able to fly down to regattas, we drove for 11 hours. Most coaches have a hotel room of their own and I was sleeping on the floor of a hotel room-but happy to do it! Sailing is something I’m passionate and enthusiastic about. It’s about giving back to the community. It’s differences I can live with and it’s worth it to build up the team.
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