The ONLY open team racing series in America. 3 Events: Marblehead, Midsummas, New York Yacht Club. Great Prizes from sponsors Atlantis Weathergear, Sturgis Boatworks, and Sail1Design. Win free boat charter from RITRA! See website for more details.
Coordinated by Sail1Design’s Clinton Hayes
Exciting news this summer for Team Race Fans! Sail1Design is pleased to announce a Team Race Grand Prix Series. This series takes advantage of the already strong summer Vanguard 15 team race regattas and adds a little structure by giving teams something to work towards at the end of the summer. This is a first of its kind series for team racers featuring great regattas, excellent prizes, and a user-friendly format. Sail1Deign has secured sponsors to provide great prizes to winners at each event and the Series Champion.
RITRA: RITRA(Rhode Island Team Race Association) will provide FREE boat charters at NYYC to the team placing highest at either one of the first two stops. To be eligible, this team must have purchased charters for the event from RITRA of at least 2 of their team’s 3 boats. This is a great incentive for out of town teams or people who don’t own V15s. You could get two regattas for the price of 1!
Sturgis: The winners of each series stop will receive Magic Marine Pullover Hoodies for each member of their team. This hoodie has an outer shell like a spray top with a warm fleece lining on the inside.
Atlantis: The winners of the Grand Prix series receive embroidered Atlantis jackets. Show off how you won the most competitive team race series in the world!
Other: Expect prizes from Sail1design and other sponsors. If your company wants to get in on the action send an email to series coordinator, Clinton Hayes
Marblehead Team Race: June 22-23
Midsummas: June 29-30 Wianno Yacht Club: Details Soon.
NYYC Team Race: August 17-18
Teams will earn points at each event based on their finish position. Scoring will be High Point to allow for teams to only sail 2 events and still potentially win the series. Only the top 12 teams will earn points at each event.
1st– 100 6th– 35 11th– 10
2nd– 80 7th– 30 12th– 5
3rd– 65 8th– 25
4th– 55 9th– 20
5th– 40 10th– 15
If there is a tie between two or more teams, each team’s best three of four scores shall be listed in order of best to worst, and at the first point(s) where there is a difference, the tie shall be broken in favor of the competitor(s) with the best score(s). If a tie remains, they shall be ranked in order of their scores in the last event, then next to last, etc.
A team is defined by their team name only. Any number or variation of individuals may sail in the series at any time. This eliminates the hassle of substitution rules and allows teams to sail with whoever they wish at each event. The point is to carry a consistent team name from event to event.
See the new TR GRand Prix Facebook Page: The ONLY open team racing series in America. 3 Events: Marblehead, Midsummas, New York Yacht Club. Great Prizes from sponsors Atlantis Weathergear, Sturgis Boatworks, and Sail1Design. Win free boat charter from RITRA! See website for more details.
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