The CRIMSON SAILING ACADEMY has two racing clinics scheduled for Summer 2013. We are offering an Advanced Team Racing Clinic on August 27-29, and the Sailing the Collegiate Dinghies Clinic scheduled for August 20-22. Both clinics are day clinics intended for high school, junior and college sailors who wish to learn collegiate sailing techniques and practice like one of the top college sailing teams in the country. NO HOUSING IS PROVIDED.
cover the fundamental attitude, the overall plan and the fine details of execution required to team race at the highest level. The clinic will include classroom, video, and on-the-water sessions. Sailing will take place in Harvard’s fleet of FJ dinghies. Come as a skipper, a boat or as a team of 3 boats. 24 sailors came and trained with us last summer. A minimum of 6 boats is required for the clinic to proceed.
DATE: August 27-29 (Tuesday – Thursday) – $240 per sailor
SAILING COLLEGIATE DINGHIES CLINIC is a great opportunity for sailing teams that need a little extra coaching boost to get some additional instruction. All aspects of sailing the Collegiate FJ and 420 will be covered. Specific topics will include straight-line speed, tacking, gybing, and boat handling for starting. Sailing will take place in Harvard’s fleet of FJs and 420s.
DATE: August 20-22 (Tuesday – Thursday) – $210 per sailor
LOCATION: Harvard Sailing Center, 45 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA
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Call us at: 85 – SAILING – 1, (857) 245-4641
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