In conjunction with the Titusville Match Racing Center in Titusville, FL, Sail1Design is pleased to announce the first annual S1D Keelboat Team Race Midwinter Championship.
VENUE: Titusville Florida Match Racing Center in the Titusville Municipal Marina on the Indian River, Titusville, Florida (adjacent to the Kennedy Space Center, about 45 miles from Orlando)
WHEN: 14-16 FEBRUARY 2014
Titusville Match Racing Center will provide 6 Geary 18 sailboats, and a great team racing venue. The event is open on a first-come, first-served basis to 5 teams, each team consisting of 9 sailors. This will be a fantastic opportunity to hone your keelboat team racing skills, learn from great coaches and get your program going for 2014.
The event will be run by S1D Pro Coaches Geoff Becker and Mike Ingham. Both coaches are themselves multi-class one-design champion sailors, and both have extensive coaching experience. To learn more about Geoff and Mike, please visit our Performance Coaching page.
The first day will feature a team race clinic and practice sailing, along with a de-brief.
The final two days will feature a double round robin event, complete with a finals.
NOR and more details to come soon. To apply, please send your team name, players names, along with a brief description of your team racing experience. Entry per team is $900 for 3 days of clinic/regatta, boats supplied.
Limited partial sponsorships may be available. Also consult your sailing or yacht club for partial sponsorship!
For more information, email
Fly in: Orlando International airport. Titusville is 45 miles from the airport.
Accommodation: information on area motels is below. Rates average around $60 a night for the Wade’s and the Siesta, and $130 for the Holiday Inn.
THE SCHEDULE The Clinic is planned for Friday afternoon/evening, providing the time to adequately teach the specific tactics and techniques of team racing.
Friday, February 14
1500 Arrive at venue
Introduction to TEAM Racing
Practice sailing
Social At CrakerJack’s Tiki Bar & Restaurant
Saturday, February 15
0900- Regatta begins
Social/food in between races at Cracker Jacks Tiki Bar & Restaurant, on the water
1600 Debrief
Social At CrakerJack’s Tiki Bar & Restaurant
Sunday, February 16
0900- Finals begin
1300-Wrap up, de-brief
Social/food in between races at Cracker Jacks Tiki Bar & Restaurant, on the water
Accommodations near the sailing site
Wade’s Motor Inn
1540 S Washington Ave
Siesta Motel
2006 S Washington Ave
Titusville, FL 32780
Holiday Inn
Kim Carpenter
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