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July 30, 2022 – July 31, 2022 all-day
Harvard University
45 Memorial Dr
Cambridge, MA 02142
45 Memorial Dr
Cambridge, MA 02142

The Advanced Team Racing Clinic is a two-day clinic designed for the high school, junior sailing or college club team racer who wants to raise his/her game to a higher level. The clinic will cover the fundamental attitude, the overall plan and the fine details of execution required to team race at the highest level. These three elements have been the foundation for success for teams in high school, college and at the international level. The clinic will include classroom, video, and on-the-water sessions. Sailing will take place in Harvard’s fleet of 420 dinghies. Come as a skipper, pair or team. A minimum of 6 boats is required for the clinic to proceed. No housing is provided.
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