Raffle to Support Traditions Build Winners Documentary
You can go to almost any yacht club in the world and when you ask people about their sailing history, chances are that at some point in their lives they sailed as Snipe. If you ask those over 60 it’s a virtual certainty that some of their earliest memories are of Sniping. With more than 30,000 boats worldwide, the Snipe Class is one of the oldest and one of the strongest one design classes racing today.
The Snipe Class’ rich history is what keeps it so strong in today’s rush to high performance sailing. Serious Sailing, Serious Fun: Traditions Build Winners asks the question “How does the snipe Class keep producing winners after all these years?” To answer that, we’ll explore the traditions of competition, camaraderie and sportsmanship that are the foundation of the Class.
Here’s how you can help complete the documentary and win a race ready Snipe at the same time.
Win a piece of Snipe history. Jerry Thompson, 1956 Jr. National Champion and stalwart of the Class ever since, has donated his 1997 Nickels Snipe #29302 to be raffled off to help us raise money for the documentary.
Here’s how the raffle works. Between now and April 15, tax day, anyone who donates $250 to the Serious Sailing, Serious Fun: Traditions Build Winners documentary project will be entered in the drawing for Jerry’s boat. If you donate $500 you get two entries. $2,500 get’s you 10 entries. Picture yourself sailing away on this piece of Snipe history – for as little as $250.
Jerry’s boat is in sail away condition at the Alamitos Bay Yacht Club in Long Beach California. You can pick it up there, or we’ll help you get it to somewhere else, but it’s FOB at the club. It does not come with a trailer.
We’ve raised over $1,500 from 18 backers on Kickstarter and additional money through SCIRA International. We have 56 days left and that puts us on track for raising the remaining $6,000 by the deadline. The smallest contribution was $10 and the biggest was $250 – but each and every donation gets us closer to the goal. Here’s the url for you to donate to the documentary on line:
We only give away the boat if we reach the $7,500 Kickstarter threshold and I don’t get any money from Kickstarter if we don’t reach the goal. We’re on track to reach that target but we’ll need your help to get there. You can read the rules of the raffle here:
For those of you looking for a US tax deduction, you can send a check directly to SCIRA International, 2812 Canon St., San Diego, CA 92106. Make sure you put “Snipe documentary” on your check so it get’s properly credited. Donations to SCIRA International during this period will also get you an entry in the raffle.
The Serious Sailing, Serious Fun: Traditions Build Winners documentary reached two more milestones over the past few weeks.
First! We’ve gotten interviews with three outstanding Snipers. Two of them are middle aged and have gone on to stellar careers as professional sailors. The other is just out of college but he’s already been to the Olympics. What do they have in common? All three of them started sailing Snipes in their teens with members of their family. They know that the Snipe was a big part of the reason they have succeeded in our sport.
Torben Grael – 5 Olympic Medals from 1984 to 2004
2 Snipe World Championships 1983 and 1987
Snipe Jr. World Championship in 1978
Star World Championship in 1990
Paul Cayard – 7 time America’s Cup competitor
6 time World Champion from Star to Maxi
2004 US Olympic Team – Star
Rolex Yachtsman of the Year 1998
Andrew Campbell – 2008 US Olympic Team – Laser
2006 College Sailor of the Year
Laser NA Champion 2005
4 time collegiate All American sailor
You’ll be able to see the highlights of their interviews up on my YouTube channel shortly.
Second! The documentary has moved on to the second round of judging for the Arnold Sports Film Festival and is in consideration to be screened as part of the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, OH the weekend of March 4, 5, 6.
The video I produced on the 2009 Snipe Worlds in San Diego has moved on to the next round and we’ll know in two weeks if its going to be screened! You can see that regatta clip through the documentary’s facebook page:
Thanks for supporting the Snipe Class and this documentary that will help the Class keep growing for the next 80 years.
Vince Casalaina
Fleet 12 Captain
Snipe 30569
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WOW!! Win a Snipe! Raffle to Support Traditions Build Winners Documentary – Sail1Design