Olivia Constants lost her life in a tragic sailing accident three years ago here in Annapolis, at the age of 14. As painful as that day was for her family, friends, and the entire sailing community, Olivia’s larger than life personality lives on today. Olivia was an amazing young woman on many levels and was passionate about many things, especially her love of life and her love of her friends. She valued her relationships above all else. Oh, and how she enjoyed having fun in everything she did. So in the spirit of Olivia, Severn Sailing Association along with the Olivia Constants Foundation and other Annapolis based sailing organizations are hosting the second annual Olivia’s Team Racing Invitational Regatta. The primary goal of the regatta is to bring friends, new & old, together to have fun and to have fun racing as teams, done the way Olivia would run a regatta. Our inaugural event last year drew 54 teams!
Unlike other team racing regattas, Olivia’s regatta requires only that you bring a skipper and crew, no boats! Teams will be formed over the course of the two days, which will allow each skipper/crew pair to sail with many other pairs over the course of the regatta. Through this you will get to meet some new friends and learn new skills. Boats will be provided at the event, using the SSA, AYC and USNA 420’s depending on the turnout. The regatta is open to all, regardless of age, skill and club affiliation.
To aid us “more mature” sailors who have not done as much team racing as some of the younger sailors, there will be a team racing clinic led by Ian Burman and Cole Allsopp the Friday evening preceding the regatta.
Olivia liked to have fun ashore as well, so the regatta will have on-going entertainment throughout the event. Beginning about 3pm on Saturday live bands will be playing at the club with food and beverages available. Regatta entrants will be provided beverages and light fare and all will be available to other attendees for purchase. There will be something to keep you occupied as you rotate boats! Invite your family or other friends to come down to listen to the bands and hang out, as there is no charge for that at all. And there will be the opportunity to support the Olivia Constants Foundation as well!
Everyone is welcome; this will be a true Olivia event, all ages, of all skill levels, everyone having fun! The racing will be fun and competitive, but most importantly it is about enjoying life, sailing and friends.
The notice of race and registration details can be found both on the Severn Sailing Association web site at www.severnsailing.org and directly at http://ssa.sailregattas.com/_/ssa/ui/Index.aspx?tabid=773
Notice of Race
The racing is open to all sailors. We plan on a FUN weekend of exciting racing and the opportunity to support the Olivia Constants Foundation. We will have shore side activities, music, and food and beverages available throughout the weekend.
1. Rules: The races will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016, including Appendix D, team racing. USCG approved PFDs shall be worn while on the water.
2. Boats: 420’s will be provided to all competitors
3. Eligibility and Entry: Eligibility is open to any two person team, whether an adult or a junior or a combination thereof. Entry fee is $70.00. A damage deposit of $350.00 is required at registration.
4. Format:
Saturday, Aug 23th Two vs. Two Team racing with random pairing
Sunday, Aug 24th Three vs. Three with reverse seeding
Final Four
5. Schedule:
Friday, August 22rd 1700 -2000 Team racing clinic
Saturday, August 23th 0800 Registration
0930 Skippers meeting
1000 Warning Signal 1st Race
Following racing: hors d’oeuvres, soda & beer
Sunday, August 24th 1000 Warning Signal 1st Race
1500 Last start of 3 vs. 3
1530 Start of Final Four
Following racing: soda, beer & awards
6. Venue: Racing will be held off of SSA in the mouth of the Severn River.
7. Contact: Steve Constants @ 443-949-0472, sconstants@mac.com. More information can be found at www.severnsailing.org
8. Registration: http://ssa.sailregattas.com/_/ssa/ui/Index.aspx?tabid=773
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