News Flash: USSCMC is Hiring a Full-time Sailing Director/Head HS Coach
The USSCMC Story
In 1992, a small group of community leaders envisioned the possibilities and opportunities that a community sailing center could provide to children and residents of Martin County. Later that year, US SAILING, the National Governing Body of sailing in the United States, authorized them to develop a “small boat training facility” in Martin County.
The Center had modest beginnings in a trailer located on the Jensen Beach Causeway. With hard-working volunteers and donated sailboats, the Center began to grow. In 1998, it was recognized as the nations, “most creative and innovative community sailing program.” In April 2002, the Center moved into a new home at the north end of Indian Riverside Park. This facility is the culmination of ten years of hard work by numerous volunteers and supporters of sailing. It was made possible with the cooperative assistance of the Martin County Board of Commissioners and the Parks and Recreation Department
The US SAILING Center of Martin County is not a yacht club, we are a 501(c)3 community sailing center. All operating and capital funds are generated by direct user fees and fund- raising events. The USSCMC is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors who are active throughout the Treasure Coast Community.
USSCMC Mission Statement
“The US Sailing Center of Martin County is committed to broadening the base of the sport of sailing through dedicated, affordable, community sailing programs for youth and adults, and providing support for the development of future champions and Olympic racers.”
News Flash: USSCMC is Hiring a Full-time Sailing Director/Head HS Coach
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