48 S Shore Rd
Northeast Harbor, ME 04662

Come enjoy the spectacular scenery of Mt Desert Island and challenging races held in the waters surrounding Acadia National Park. The event has many more specific details in the Notice of Race and our goal is to fill 15 boats with competitors for the long weekend of September 8-11, 2022.
The event is open to all participants who receive an electronic invitation from The Organizing Committee of the Northeast Harbor IOD Class.
Youth Teams are especially encouraged to participate and should reach out to the event chair directly for a special entry allocation. Initial entry offerings shall be accepted or rejected by June 30th, 2022 by completing the entry form and paying the entry fee for the boat.
Additional invitations shall be offered by the organizing committee after June 30th, 2022. Potential Competitors will have no more than 14 days from the date of their invitation to accept by completing an entry form and paying the entry fee.
Click here to view the latest IOD Class North American Champs 2022 results.
Click here to view the crew list
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