2017 Quantum Key West Race Week held in Key West, Florida. Monohull boats are invited to enter in the following classes: One-Design Classes ; IRC; ORC; with LOA between 18 and 85 feet between hull perpendiculars which submit a completed entry (taking into account eligibility restrictions outlined in NOR Sections 5 and 6).
Melges 20 Miami Winter Series Event #2
Melges 20 Miami Winter Series held at Coconut Grove Sailing Club in Miami, Florida.
Opti Valentine’s Day Regatta
2017 Valentine’s Day Regatta held at St. Petersburg Yacht Club in Florida. This is a USODA Qualifier for the 2017 Team Trials.
2017 C420 Midwinter Championship
2017 C420 Midwinter Championship held at US Sailing Center Martin County in Jensen Beach, Florida. This regatta is open to all boats of the Club 420 class.
Opti Sunshine State Championship
Opti Sunshine State Championship held at the U.S. Sailing Center Martin County in Jensen Beach, Florida. This regatta is a USODA QUALIFIER for the 2017 Team Trials.
O’pen BIC North American “Un-Regatta”
The 2017 O’Pen BIC North American Championships will be held in Sarasota, Florida hosted by the Sarasota Sailing Squadron, March 17-19 2017. This event will also be an important qualifier for limited North American invitations to the America’s Cup Endeavour O’Pen held in conjunction with the America’s Cup Finals in Bermuda, June 15-18 2017. The Organising Authority for this regatta is Sarasota Youth Sailing in association with the North American O’Pen BIC Class.
Important Event Introduction: The purpose of this event is to run a fun event for youth sailors in a more loosely competitive style in dynamic junior boats. Results are not nearly as important as everyone having a good time sailing. It is our goal that the sailors improve their skills, make new friends, and have a ton of fun. This event will be a combination of “conventional” style race formats with unorthodox “Un-Regatta” style courses and events. Don’t expect conventional round the buoys racing or upwind starts for all races. Capsizes, freestyle, speed and fun will be required. If you are a hard-core racer with rule book in hand, this event may not be for you. If you want to have fun, challenge your limits, and pioneer a new chapter in Youth Sailing, we invite you to come join the fun.
The fleet is comprised of two Divisions. This modifies Class Rule C.2.3
- U13 Division: Competitors born after Dec 31st, 2004
- Open Division (all ages welcome)
2017 Sunfish US National Championship at Midwinters
2017 Sunfish US National Championship at Midwinters held at Charlotte Harbor Community Sailing Center in Florida. This is a world qualifier.
Melges 24 U.S. National Championship
2017 U.S National Championship for Melges 24’s held in Charleston, South Carolina.
Texas Team Race OPEN 3v3 Team Race Series #3
Spring Team Race Series
Notice of Race
February 11-12, 2017
March 18-19, 2017
April 8-9, 2017
The OPEN 3v3 Team Race Regatta will be hosted by Sea Base Galveston. The regatta will be held at Sea Base Galveston 7509 Broadway, Galveston, Texas 77554.
Saturday Sunday
0900 Competitors meeting 0900 Competitors meeting
1000 First Race 1000 First Race
TBD Informal Umpire Debrief Sunday no race to start after 1400
Racing will be in FJs available through Sea Star Base Galveston. Collegiate 420’s may be used if demand warrants.
The regatta will be open 3v3 team racing. The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020.
Housing will be available at Sea Star Base Galveston, the site of the regatta. Reservations should be made during registration on regatta network. SSBG is offering accommodations for $25/night/individual. These are apartment suites with shared bathroom; rooms can accommodate males and females). Housing reservations with SSBG should be arranged at least one week in advance.
Berths and Entries
Berths will be available to the first 12 teams registered. Registration can be found on regatta network or at ssbgalveston.org Community Sailing Racing. Entry requires $212 fee and $300 damage deposit (damage deposit to “Sea Star Base Galveston.”)
1. https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=13708
2. https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=13707
3. https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=13710
Each team should complete the SSBG waiver
Contact Mike Janota Work Phone 409-572-2562 x1
Cell Phone 409-457-6453
e-mail mjanota@ssbgalveston.org
Suzy Bradford Cell Phone 832-405-8336
e-mail sbradford@ssbgalveston.org
2017 Charleston Race Week
2017 Charleston Race week in South Carolina. This regatta is open to one-design keelboats between 19-80 feet LOA, ORR, and PHRF monohull boats that are 24-80 feet LOA, and multi-hulls 24-70 feet LOA between hull perpendiculars. PHRF entries sailing on the offshore shore circles shall have a spinnaker TOD rating of 192 or less and entries in the non spinnaker class shall have spinnaker TOD rating above 75.
Laser Full Rig District 10 Championship
Laser Full Rig District 10 Championship held at Monmouth Boat Club in Red Bank, New Jersey.
Secore Volvo Fishers Island Sound Race
2017 Secor VOLVO Fishers Island Sound 420 Race. This regatta is open to class legal 420’s with one skipper and one crew. New multi day format this year!