165 Pleasant St
North Kingstown, RI 02852
Eligibility and Entry: The regatta is open to the Int. 505, F-16, F-18, Int. Canoe; J/22, Int. 420, Laser, Laser Radial, and RS Aero classes. All entries shall conform to the eligibility rules of the respective classes except that the C-420 22 year old age limit does not apply.
Event Schedule
Friday June 9, 2017
1500-1800 Check in and late registration
Saturday June 10, 2017
0830-1000 Check-in and late registration
1000 Competitors meeting
1200 Warning signal first race. Subsequent races to follow immediately. Alpha Course classes may have a delayed start time to allow competitors taking SAT exams at North Kingstown High School to make the first race.
Sunday June 11, 2017
1000 Earliest possible start time. Subsequent races to follow immediately.
1500 No races to start after this time.
Online Registration must be completed at the event website before June 5 at http://WickfordRegatta.com.
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