The excitement of sailing a high-performance dinghy has always been the test of the sailor’s response to wind and wave conditions. The enjoyment and lasting interest that Force 5 sailors specifically have in common, is the “all-inclusiveness” of the Class. Age, weight, size, gender and strength may all have some bearing on the amount of effort required to be a top contender, but the design of the boat and the attitude of the sailors is what makes Force 5 Regattas so alluring and enduring.
Convenient, is an understatement for the Short-Rig. You don’t need to replace your Full-Rig mast and boom as other one-design boats. Simply insert the mast cap on the top of the middle mast section instead of the upper 4 foot section. Having a full foot and generous roach supported with a full upper-batten, coupled with the same luff-sleeve pre-bend that’s incorporated into the Full-Rig sail, the Short-Rig sail almost defies death-rolling.
The Short-Rig is a stable high-performance sail that opens a whole new range of sailing enjoyment in the Force 5. Not only will Class regattas be able to provide separate one-design competition for Short-Rigs and Full-Rigs, but Full-Rig competitors will have the option to “down-size” when the day calls for stronger winds than they want to handle.
Length Over All 13’ 10”
Beam 4’ 10”
Displacement (hull only) 145 lbs
Sail Area
Standard Rig 96 sq ft
Short Rig 69 sq ft
Draft board down 38 “
Portsmouth DPN Rating
Standard-Rig 95.4
Short-Rig 103.0
an awesome boat…fast!
But unstable, always rocking. Curved bottom. Not shallow V. Fickle and difficult to upright when capsized…just keeps rolling over to other side. So, in a decent wind, be prepared to be wet for awhile.