Are you ready to move faster? The last couple of high school sailing practices we have had some tricky days on the water. We have had some very puffy conditions where crews are sitting all the way in and then quickly have to pop up to hike and then move back in the middle after the puff passes. Some of our crews were having trouble moving quickly around the boat which prompted me to focus a workout on moving faster while out on the water. Having leg strength, speed, and agility are essential for moving quickly across the boat no matter what kind of boat you are sailing.
In this workout, you will work on building strength in your legs, move faster, and become more agile helping you move more quickly your next time on the water. This workout requires no equipment just drive to push yourself hard and get stronger, faster, and more agile. Check out the workout below and the video with all the moves for the workout. Have fun and get fast for your next time on the water!
Leg, Speed, and Agility Workout
Warm Up with Dynamic Stretching (3-5 minutes)
Core Activation:
Squat Jump 20 reps
High Knees Go 30 feet and back
Plank Jacks 20 reps
Carioca Go 30 feet and back
Repeat 3x
Jumping Lunges 30 reps
Sprint 30 feet and back
Tuck Jumps 20 reps
Sprint 30 feet and back
Rest 15 seconds and Repeat 3x
Rest 1 minute
Lateral Shuffle 30 feet and back
Burpees 25 reps
Lateral Shuffle 30 feet and back
Single leg Squat 15 reps each side
Rest 15 seconds and Repeat 3x
Rest 1 minute
Right Side Single-Leg Hop with Run Back Do 3 times 10 steps forward, run backwards to start
Squat Jumps 25 reps
Left Side Single-Leg Hop with Run Back Do 3 times 10 steps forward, run backwards to start
Lunge High Knee with Jump 10 reps each side
Rest 15 seconds and Repeat 3x
Cool Down Static Stretching and Foam Rolling 3-5 minutes
For more information on fitness for sailing contact Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
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