News from S1D Team Member Predict Wind. I used their weather routing software this past summer and it was outstanding. Their spot-on weather forecasting/modeling makes Predict Wind an invaluable tool for one-design racers. The pro version of Predict Wind is a must-have, and a difference-maker!
We have added another 3 high-resolution forecast models for limited areas around the world that have higher resolution for even better accuracy. High-resolution models can accurately model topographical and thermal effects such as sea breezes. These new models will benefit coastal marine users, complementing the high-resolution modeling from PredictWind.
HRRR – High Resolution Rapid Refresh
Key Details
Provider: NOAA
Model Scope: North America – See Map
Update Frequency: Every Hour
Resolution: 3km
Forecast duration: 18 hours
The HRRR is a NOAA real-time 3-km resolution, hourly updated, cloud-resolving, convection-allowing atmospheric model, initialized by 3km grids with 3km radar assimilation. Radar data is assimilated in the HRRR every 15 min over a 1-h period adding further detail to that provided by the hourly data assimilation from the 13km radar-enhanced Rapid Refresh
To learn more see the video
NAM – North American Mesoscale Forecast System
Key Details
Provider: NOAA
Model Scope: North America –
Update Frequency: Every 6 Hours
Resolution: 5km
Forecast duration: 3 days 12 hrs
NAM is one of NOAA’s major weather models, which in this case covers most of North America. NAM is a mesoscale model, which means that the numerical analysis is able to model land, and other features, at a higher resolution than in a global model, leading to improved forecast accuracy.
Key Details
Provider: Meteo France
Model Scope: France and Coastlines –
Update Frequency: Every 5 Hours
Resolution: 1.3km
Forecast duration: 42 Hours
Arome is a small scale numerical prediction model, operational at Meteo-France since December 2008. It was designed to improve short-range forecasts of severe events such as intense Mediterranean precipitations (Cévenole events), severe storms, fog, urban heat during heat waves. This model is highly regarded by top racing navigators and beats the ECMWF forecast.
PredictWind Models
Key Details
Provider: PredictWind
Model Scope: Most popular sailing coastlines of the world –
Update Frequency: Every 12 Hours
Resolution: 1km / 8km
Forecast duration: 1km is 36 Hours / 8km is 7 days
PredictWind has been the market leader for accurate forecasts in the recreational market since 2008. Using the CSIRO CCAM model with 450 high-resolution domains around the world, PredictWind covers most popular recreational marine users in the world.
Jon Bilger, PredictWind CEO says, “with the addition of these models, PredictWind is further consolidating its position as the world leader in marine weather data. The best weather data and the best tools to use the data with are why we are still seeing huge market share increases even in the uncertain global market.”
For any further press information or questions please contact:
Nick Olson
General customer and service enquiries should be directed to the PredictWind website:
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