Sail1Design is excited to announce our newest sponsor, Sail Pro Cameras. For coaches, and sailors who want to get better on their own, this camera provides incredible “on-board” footage. As a former coach, I am very impressed with this system, and feel it is an essential training tool for elite sailors, beginners, and everyone in between. Check out this demo video of the cameras, used on a foiling Moth!
Sail Pro Cameras is proud to introduce a new High-Definition portable camcorder for action-seeking athletes and outdoor fans.
The history behind this onboard camera started at the Laser Training Center in Cabarete, where head coach Rulo Borojovich has been using onboard cameras the past seven years. The information head coach Rulo gets from analyzing these video clips with the sailors is what gives them later the extra edge when handling their boat on the start line, timing their body movements to waves upwind, rounding a mark in a crowd, surfing down a wave downwind, and all those little things a that add up to be the big difference on the race course. “There are body movements and in-boat habits that cannot be detected from a video camera on the coach boat” says Coach Rulo Borojovich.
For good coaching and sailors improvement, the coach needs eyes in the boat. But having an onboard camera is not as easy as it seems. Over the years he tried 20 different cameras before frustration motivated Rulo to develop himself an onboard camera. Some cameras were too heavy, others fogged, in others the battery life was too short, some just stopped filming in the middle of a very important training session. Rulo found solutions for all these issues, and now Sail Pro makes the onboard camera package he designed.
With a burly, waterproof aluminum body the camera has a double seal to keep the lens fog free and condensation free. Even in the most humid conditions it still takes crystal clear HD video. The camera auto saves and edits the files every 5 minutes. This allows users to easily access the segment of the video of their interest without having to watch the entire video. Files are both Pc and Mac compatible through a USB. The battery lasts over 2 hours. The camera super light weight at 88 grams (3.1 oz), which allows the sailor to sail naturally, as the boat handles just as it would without the camera.
What makes Sail Pro camera package so unique, is the custom made carbon rod that attaches easily to the stern of the Laser hull, while other mounts are designed for the Optimist, Finn, 420 and 470 and Keel boats. This carbon stern mount and the impressive super wide-angle lens produce a unique “coaches view” video.
Although the Camera is branded as Sail Pro, it can be used as video camera in other sports or events, when a small out of the way high quality HD camera is needed. Bikers and kiters love it on their helmets, handlebar, it fits easily on ski goggles and almost anywhere else.
o HD 1280 x 720 crystal clear video.
o Carbon fiberglass stern mounting devices for the Laser® and Optimist, 420, 470 , Megabyte, Finn.
o Ultra light aluminum body (only 3.5 oz).
o 170° Wide-angle lens.
o “Auto Snap Shot” 12 megapixel photo function every 3 seconds.
o Fog free system.
o Waterproof up to 10 meters.
o One single button for easy operation, just click and record!
o 32 GB Micro SD card supported.
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