By Airwaves writer Rachel Bennung
See Part I: The Core here
Part II The Legs here
In the sports world we determined that strength in certain areas of your body are more important then others. You want to have total body strength, but focus on maximizing strength in certain muscles for better overall performance in your sport. In Part One we determined having a strong core is the base of your overall fitness. In sailing a strong core will help you hike longer without becoming fatigued quickly as well reduce your chance of injury. In Part Two we determined having strong legs will help with your endurance and mobility while out on the water. Leg exercises also increase your core stability therefore increasing strength and stability throughout your body. In our third and final part we will be talking about strengthening our arms to maximize your performance while sailing.
Upper body strength is important not only for sailing, but your every day life. Having a strong upper body will improve your flexibility, range of motion, and mobility. Some of the major muscle groups in your arm are the biceps, triceps, and deltoid. With strong arms you will see an ease in completing other daily tasks. Strong arms will also make you less prone to injury in these muscles during activities that stress these muscle groups.
As you can see the benefits of strong arms are very essential to your daily life. So how do strong arms help you during sailing? It might seem like this is a common sense question, your arms are needed for pulling in the sail. However, it’s more then just that. First, and probably most importantly you need arm strength for trimming your sail in and keeping it in. With arm strength you will have the endurance on those windy days to get your sail all the way in and keep it there. Arm strength is also very essential to your success steering the boat. You will be able to control your boat through waves and other conditions with ease having strong arms. If you are a crew arm strength can be one of your most important factors. You’ll need it to be successful in hoisting, trimming, and dousing the spinnaker quickly and efficiently. Remember that little thing called capsizing? Well without strong arms you’ll have some trouble getting your boat back up and getting yourself into it. As you can see muscle strength in your arms is more then just trimming in the sail.
So how do we get these strong arms that are so essential to sailing? The list of arm exercises is endless, but I chose 4 exercises that I think are great for getting the strength in your arms you are looking for in sailing.
- Push Ups – This is an exercise that has been around forever. It may seem like a simple exercise, but using your own body weight to get strength is a great form of working out. Start in plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Lower your body while engaging your core then push back up to the starting position. Then repeat this same move. Start with doing 20 repetitions then working your way up to more. (There is also many different variations to push ups making them easier or harder.)
- Upright Rows – Rows are a great exercise that simulate the movement of pulling. Hence rows are great for sailing! Start with dumbbells in each hand resting in front of you on the top of your thighs. Lift dumbbells up till you are close to touching your chin. Your elbows will be higher then your forearms for this move. Lower dumbbells back to starting position. 10-15 pound weights are a good starting point. Start with doing 15 repetitions.
- Bicep Curl to Overhead Press – Bicep curls are a great arm exercise themselves, but here we add another move working your shoulders as well. Stand with dumbbells at your sides. Curl the weights up to your shoulders then rotate your wrists so your palms face out then press the weights over your head. Bring the weights back to your shoulders rotating your wrists so your palms face in then lower back to starting position. That is one repetition, start with doing 15 reps.
- Row-Raise Lunge – This exercise is one that works not only your arms and shoulders, but your total body. Start in plank position with a weight in each hand. Row the left weight up to your ribs, then the right weight. Step in with your left foot between your hands into a low lunge. Raise weights out to your sides at shoulder level. Return to starting position. Switch legs and that is one repetition. Start with doing this move for 12 repetitions.
(You can easily make these exercises into a arm workout. Do 3 sets of each exercise 20 push ups, 15 upright rows, 15 bicep curls to overhead press, and 12 row-raise lunge.)
-Check out the video of these exercises below
If you want to sail stronger, longer, and faster you need to be in top shape. You need to not only be out there sailing, but training your total body. With a strong core, legs, and arms you will see the difference in your sailing performance. All these muscles need to work together efficiently for you to be at the top of your game for those big regattas. By incorporating exercises for your core, legs, and arms you will be able to maximize your performance and sail stronger.
For more information on fitness for sailing contact Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
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