Let Team One Newport’s Merchandising Program Help Promote Your Program and Make You Money!
At Team One Newport, we are committed to helping our customers in any way that we can, which is why we have introduced our Merchandising Program model – a resource for programs, clubs, event organizers, and teams to provide customized imprinted apparel to members of their communities without the hassle or costs of managing the purchases and sales of the products! We work with the group to pick and design the best products and set up a webpage for easy viewing and access by the program’s community. Once a group’s custom program is set up, Team One handles the entire order process from production, to payment, to shipping, and then pays back to the program a 15% royalty of the sales, providing a simple and wieldy way for a program to promote itself and make money.
Team One has huge selection of products including everything from standard t-shirts and polos to top-of-the-line sailing gear, and will help you select and design the products best suited to the needs of your program. Team One’s in-house embroidery, sublimation, and heat press teams allow each product to be made immediately on-site and sent out in a timely manner. In addition to the selected program designs, we are also able to add personalization to any product. If anyone is interested in adding a boat name, sail number, last name, or any other customization, we can work with each customer to determine the best method and placement.
Among many who have set up merchandise programs with Team One are the organizers of Nantucket Race Week and the Opera House Cup. These two events are run by the Nantucket Yacht Club and Great Harbor Yacht Club together to support Nantucket Community Sailing. The events run over nine days of racing and social events, bringing in over 3,000 participants and serving as the primary fundraising event for Nantucket Community Sailing. “Team One makes the process easy!” said event organizer Diana Brown. “All we need to do is promote Team One to our participants. We have no ability to customize gear, and Team One handles that beautifully. We never get a complaint… [Team One’s program] allows our participants to purchase gear with the NRW and OHC logos that we do not sell ourselves,” though NCS is also able to stock a small inventory of product to sell onsite at the event. The merchandise program through Team One “allows our participants to customize NRW and OHC gear with the name of their boat or team, and provides NCS with a royalty check, which supports our youth sailing programs. Team One is a great partner!”
Also using a merchandise program through Team One is the Beverly Yacht Club in Marion, MA. Kim Berg, the Membership Services Director for the yacht club has been working with Team One on their program and has been very happy with the benefits that the program provides to her club and its membership. “By offering a Team One Newport Merchandise Program integrated on our private website,” says Berg, “our club no longer needs to stock those items in inventory. That makes it easier for us from a storage and management standpoint. Also, for members who custom order items, it allows them to get exactly what they want… not just what our club chooses to carry in stock. Team One has been great to work with – on this program and for other onsite needs for special regattas.” Beverly Yacht Club has also used Team One when they host the Buzzards Bay Regatta, which is the largest multi-class regatta in the U.S., generally drawing over 400 boats and 1200 sailors across a dozen classes.
Team One is involved with producing merchandise for many kinds of groups: yacht clubs like Chatham, Hyannis, and Fishers Island Yacht Club; non-profit groups such as Sail Newport, the Oliver Hazard Perry Educational Foundation, and Sail For Hope; other events such as the NYYC Invitational Cup and Qualifier Series, the Newport Bermuda Race, and the Marion Bermuda Race; and athletic teams and boat classes like the UConn Ski Team, the Oxbridge Academy Sailing Team, and the Snipe and Bullseye Classes.
For more information on Team One Newport and its Merchandise Programs, or to check out some of the existing programs, please visit www.team1newport.com, or contact Martha Pitt at pitt@team1newport.com.
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