Due to popular demand, the Annapolis Fleet will host and run the 2010 Sail1Design J/22 Winter East Coast Championship, 06-07 March 2010. On your way down to the Midwinters in New Orleans, stop by an enjoy 2 days of awesome sailing and great, low-key race management.
We will sail right in the Severn River, close to shore and a Saturday evening social and dinner along with a “Top 3 Clinic”, video and race tracking replay!!
For more information please contact : tom@sail1design.com
Notice Of Race
2010 Sail1Design J/22 Winter East Coast Championship
Hosted By Severn Sailing Association
Annapolis, MD
06-07 March 2010
1. Rules
This regatta will be organized by Severn Sailing Association and J/22 Fleet 19, governed by the 2008-2012 Racing Rules of Sailing, the Class Rules of the International J/22 Class Association, this Notice of Race, except as any of these is altered by the Sailing Instructions, and the Sailing Instructions.
2. Eligibility And Entry
This Regatta is open to all J/22 boats that possess a valid measurement certificate. Membership in the Class Association is required for all owners and skippers. The completed entry form (attached) must be received by Sail1Design not later than 1500 hours, 01 March 2010 to avoid a late fee. Entries will be accepted up to the close of the check-in period with the payment of the late entry fee. A registration form is included with this Notice Of Race.
3. Schedule Of Events
06 March Saturday: 0900 Registration
0930 Skippers Meeting
1100 First Gun, with races to follow
1630 Social with Race Replays at SSA
07 March Sunday 1030 First Gun with races to follow
1400 No Race started after this time
1500 Awards and Closing Ceremony
No races will be started after 1400 on Sunday, and the prize giving party is scheduled for 1500.
4. Fees and registration
Regatta Entry Fee: $75
Late entry fee (received after 1500 01 March) $90
Fee includes registration, skipper’s bag of goodies, Social on Saturday afternoon after sailing. Registration may be accomplished by completing the attached registration form and mailing it with the appropriate check amount to
5. Measurement/Weigh In
All boats entered in this regatta must have a current J/22 measurement certificate. If you do not have one and wish to be measured for this event, you must contact the US J/22 Class Office and make arrangements to be measured.
All boats entered in this regatta are expected to follow the class rules for crew weight; however there will not be an official weigh-in. Compe
titors are on their honor to be at or below maximum weight.
6. Inspections
All boats will be subject to random inspection at any time during the regatta.
7. Sailing Instructions
Sailing instructions will be available at the time of check-in.
8. Regatta Site And Racing Area.
The regatta site will be Severn Sailing Association in Annapolis, MD. Racing will take place in the Severn River.
9. Scoring
The Low Point Scoring System, Appendix A, will be in use. One race will constitute a regatta. No Throw outs.
10. Alternative Penalties
720 turns penalty will apply.
11. Prizes
Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 registered competitors, the longest traveler, and other special prizes will be given.
12. Further Information
For further information, contact Tom Sitzmann or Alon Finklestein
tom@sail1design.com alon@farrdesign.com
2010 Sail1Design J/22 Winter East Coast Championship
Hosted By Severn Sailing Association
Annapolis, MD
06-07 March 2010
Entry Form
City, State, Zip____________________________________________
Telephone_________________ E-mail_________________________________
Boat Name_________________________ Sail Number___________________
US Sailing Member_____________US J/22 Class Member_________
Entry Fee Enclosed_________________________________________
(Make checks payable to: Sail1Design)
I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and by all other rules governing this event.
Skipper’s signature__________________________________________
Send to:
Sail1Design J/22 Midwinters North
327 Gordon Ave
Severna Park, MD 21146