Nutrition, it’s key to living a healthy lifestyle. However, a lot of the time we hear people talking more about their workouts and less about what they are eating. Having a healthy diet is even more important for our success out on the water than any workout you do. Don’t get me wrong working out is still very important, but without a healthy diet, your body can’t perform at its highest potential. You need to use both a healthy diet and a good workout routine to perform at your best out on the water.
When you are home eating healthy can be relatively easy because you can plan out your meals, and prepare them ahead of time. However, now that sailing season is here you will be hitting the road for different regattas maybe for a day, a weekend, or maybe even a week. So how can you stay on top of your nutrition while away from home? Follow the 6 tips below to help you eat healthy while on your sailing travels this season.
1. Pack For The Trip
The first step before you leave for your sailing adventure is to pack healthy snacks to go. This is a simple way to eat right while on the road and away (also a great way to save money). The healthiest way to go is making your own snacks. Things I love to make to bring with me to regattas are granola bars, granola, trail mix, dehydrated fruit, almond butter cookies, and roasted chickpeas. However, sometimes it is easier to buy these items. If you are buying these items make sure you stick to items containing little to no sodium and sugar content. If you are flying to get to your destination dry snacks are the easiest thing to pack. If you are traveling to your regatta by car pack a cooler. You can fill it with fresh foods. I love to pack the small packets of guacamole and have it with carrots and celery while on the road. This will not only keep you eating right while traveling but while you get to your destination. Look at the list below for some more ideas on packing for your next sailing trip.
Packing for the road:
- Trail mix
- Granola bars
- Packets of almond butter or peanut butter
- Fresh fruits: apples, bananas, ora
nges, grapes
- Jerky
- Dehydrated fruit
- Roasted chickpeas (these are a great crunchy snack filled with fiber and protein check out the recipe below)
- Fresh veggies: carrots, celery, broccoli
- Snack pack guacamole
Recipe for Roasted Chickpeas:
1 can of chickpeas
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt (optional)
garlic salt (optional)
cayenne pepper (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F
2. Rinse chickpeas then dry them with a paper towel. Place chickpeas in a bowl and mix with olive oil and seasonings. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 35-40 minutes or until brown and crunchy. Let cool, then enjoy!
2. Research Beforehand
Before you head on your trip you want to make sure you do some research. Research the menus of different restaurants and try to look for the healthiest options. Also research local supermarkets where you can pick up some more healthy meals and snacks. You also want to check out where you will be staying and what they have to offer. If you are staying at a house you can plan to make most of you meals. If you are staying at a hotel see if they have a mini fridge so you can store meals and snacks. If you come prepared you will have an easier time eating healthy and also save yourself a lot of time.
3. Drink Lots of Water
You always want to be drinking lots of water, however, its very important to remember this while on the road traveling. People tend to forget about hydrating themselves while traveling and without the proper hydration you won’t be able to perform at your top level. Try to avoid other beverages and stick to water most of the day. Carry a reusable water bottle with you to help remind you to drink throughout the day.
4. Avoid New Foods
While your away for a competition you want to avoid trying new foods. The day before a regatta you especially want to avoid eating anything you have never tried or don’t eat often. If you want to feel the best and perform at you highest level while sailing you need to be cautious with your eating. Try to pick nutritious items off the menu with simple ingredients or if you are cooking yourself pick something you know is good for your body.
5. Try to Stick To Your Schedule
While traveling for sailing it can be hard to stick to your same schedule. However, you really want to try with your eating habits. When you body is used to a schedule, and then things change your body will start to feel it. Try to eat the same number of meals you normally do and attempt to do it at the same times. This is hard when your on the water, but do you best by bringing snacks with you.
6. Eat Real Food
We see too many people eating processed food these days. But to be a top athlete you need to fuel your body with nutritious real food all the time even while traveling. Try to avoid the processed items as much as you can. Grab a real piece of fruit or snack on some veggies. When your traveling you tend to go for the easiest option, but go for the real food to keep your body in line. Real food is the healthiest option and best way to stay on your game while out on the water.
Just because your traveling it doesn’t mean your eating habits have to suffer. To perform at your best level while out on the water it is essential to keep with your healthy routine. By using these six tips packing for your trip, researching beforehand, drinking lots of water, avoiding new foods, sticking to your schedule, and eating real foods you can keep sailing at your top level throughout your travels. It may seem hard to follow the first couple times you travel, but soon enough you will get in a routine. Good luck sailing and keep eating healthy at home and while on the road!
For more information on fitness and nutrition for sailing contact Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.