Women’s International Collegiate
Match Race and Clinic
Rollins College, Orlando, January 16–18, 2010
Intro to Match Racing
As part of an international promotion of match racing, WIMRA and North U are offering match racing clinics world-wide. Since 2007 dozens of clinics have been held on five continents.
Women’s International Collegiate Match Race and
Clinic, Orlando, January 16-18.
The Women’s International Collegiate Match Race and Clinic will include both a clinic on Saturday, January 16 and Sunday morning; and a regatta on Sunday afternoon and Monday.
A complete schedule is posted at NorthU.com
Why Match Racing?
You’ll learn all about dial-ups, circling, lead/push, the hook, shift left, and a slew of other match racing tactics and techniques.
When you try it you will find Match Racing to be a captivating form of sailboat racing – fully engaging, relentlessy exciting, and great fun. Not only that, but it will improve your fleet racing skills.
Match Racing Clinic
The clinic curriculum was created by Dave Perry and Liz Baylis with assistance from North U director Bill Gladstone. The course combines shoreside sessions with on the water drills and races and includes the 2nd edition Match Racing Workbook.
The clinic is targeted to racing sailors. Prior match racing experience is not required. This clinic will use Geary 18 keelboats with spinnakers. Enrollment is limited.
Lead Instructor
North U Director Bill Gladstone will lead the Rollins clinic. In addition to his extensive racing and match racing experience, Bill has over thirty years experience teaching sailing and racing. Graduates of his programs are winning races in fleets the world over.
Registration & Information
The Registration Fee is $360.00 per BOAT (crew of 3) or $135 per person registering alone. The fee includes the clinic, regatta, course materials, use of the boats, and snacks each day.
To get more information and to sign up visit:
Or call or email Bill Gladstone or Fran Wainer at North U.
800 347 2457 • 203 245 0727