Sail1Design is proud to announce our newest sponsor!
Sponsors keep our free sailing industry jobs and sailing classifieds going. We are most grateful for their commitment to us, and we hope you will check them out and take advantage of the very cool product they offer to the one-design sailing community:
The 1st iPhone App that Lists, Animates & Illustrates
ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing!
DP Associates is proud to announce the successful launch of You-Tack! Pro, The Racing Sailor’s Illustrated Guide. Easily understood, it has extraordinary 3D animated quizzes, and brilliant illustrations. You-Tack! Pro is available at the iTunes Store for $19.95. (A free demo, You-Tack! Lite, highlights the major features, is also available.)
You-Tack Pro is a multi-purpose, convenient and effective way to improve your racing performance through greater rules knowledge. You-Tack! challenges your knowledge of the racing rules and signals, with 3D animated inter-active quizzes based on actual decisions from the ISAF and RYA Case Books.
Major Features:
- The Official ISAF Rules and Definitions with colorful clear illustrations, and simple, direct explanations that make the rules easy to understand. Included for quick reference are all the rules from Parts 1 through 7, with appendices A thru D.
- Forty-two quizzes with vivid “you are there” 3D animations, in seven distinct categories: The Start, Sailing Upwind, The Upwind Mark, Sailing Downwind, The Downwind Mark, The Finish, and Signals.
- Each quiz contains: a fact-based Situation, an Illustrated Question, and a 3D Animation. Answer the quiz to find out if you’re right, and review the rationale behind the answer, while a Scoreboard tracks all your answers, and points you to the rules you missed.
- After completing a quiz, the specific rules and definitions discussed in each quiz are displayed for review.
- All the racing signals are explained in detail with brilliant graphics, including images of all the international signal flags.
No other Racing Rules app comes close! You-Tack! Pro is simply awesome!
Sailors: You can now carry an easily understandable guide to the Official ISAF Rules in your pocket. Review specific rules on or off the water, discuss quiz situations before a race or over post-race refreshments or disputes, or even bring You-Tack! into a hearing room as your “co-counsel.”
You-Tack! is the definitive rules app for all racers (and race officials) of all levels. You-Tack! is also a fantastic teaching tool for junior programs, and a fun clubhouse method for crews looking to build rules knowledge. You-Tack! makes learning the Racing Rules of Sailing easy, and fun.
Created by racing sailors for racing sailors, whether the boat you sail is a maxi-yacht, a beer-can racer or a one-design dinghy, You-Tack Pro is the quickest and most convenient way to build racing confidence, with increased rules knowledge.
You-Tack Pro: The Racing Sailor’s Illustrated Guide: $19.95
- All the rules (Parts 1-7, plus appendices A-D) with associated illustrations, and easy to understand explanations, with references hyperlinked between rules for quick review.
- 42 interactive quizzes with 3D animations, and a scorecard to review your answers. All the rules and definitions are cited within each quiz for easy reference.
- Colorful, clear illustrations of all the Official ISAF racing signals with concise explanations, plus all the individual International Signal Flags.
- All the Official ISAF definitions, with illustrations and hyperlinks.
You-Tack Lite: with highlights of the major features: A Free Demo.
- You-Tack Lite is a demo. It highlights and examples the features of You-Tack Pro, with a full index listing of all the rules (with specific details, illustrations and explanations of rules 1 to 13. Featured are two 3D animated quizzes, all the signals, and all the definitions, It’s a free and easy way to see how the quizzes and the 3D animations function, and how the rules are illustrated in the Pro version.
To purchase You-Tack! Pro, or download the demo You-Tack Lite please visit the iTunes App Store. For more information and to view a video demo, please visit
Contact info: 212.941.1441