EDITORS NOTE A recent article appeared in Airwaves referencing the “New Collegiate 420.” We received some feedback that this boat is not the “official” college-sanctioned boat, and we would like to apologize for any misunderstanding, and if the title of the article was misleading, our most sincere apologies. Since LaserPerformance is a long-time Sail1Design sponsor, we want to make clear that Airwaves articles are available to our sponsors to promote their products that have value to our community. We also accept articles from anyone, and will be happy to print if they fit our demographic. We continue to believe that this is an informative and well-founded piece on LaserPerformance’s new boat. We hope to follow up with more articles on all the new choices potentially available to college sailing programs, including the Rondar Firefly, (www.rondarboats.com) and Rondars new 420 as well. Zim Sailing (www.zimsailing.com) is another company making great strides with collegiate/youth boats. It is exciting that the evolution of college sailing boats is taking place, and our hope was to bring that to light, one boat at a time. Feel free to add a comment to the Collegiate 420 article online, and/or contact Sail1Design: webmaster@sail1design.com
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