Elizabeth, I enjoyed your article, “What’s Happening to Participation in One Design Sailing.” US SAILING will to address this question and some solutions at the One-Design Sailing Symposium on Nov. 12-13, 2011 at the Bay Head Yacht Club (Bay Head, NJ). Please encourage your readers to attend. Information is attached and on the web at http://racing.ussailing.org/One-Design/ODSS/2011_ODSS.htm. Regards, Lee Lee Parks Inshore Director US SAILING Learn and Share with the Best at US SAILING’s 2011 One-Design Symposium Presented by Bay Head Yacht Club, Bay Head, NJ November 12-13, 2011 As an avid one-design sailor, we want you to know about the many presentations, breakout sessions and other learning opportunities at the upcoming US SAILING One-design Symposium in Bay Head, NJ on Nov. 12-13. US SAILING’s 2011 One-Design Symposium (ODSS) is the premier event for one-design class racers. This event brings together one-design leaders, racing icons and industry experts in our sport for a great exchange of ideas and information. This year’s keynote speakers include: US SAILING President Gary Jobson Multiple one-design class champion Greg Fisher North Sails Manager Nick Turney Olympian Carol Cronin Melges, J/22 & 24 PRO Hank Stuart ISAF Measurer David Sprague Star & Snipe photographer Fried Elliott TOPICS: More than 25 panel discussions, workshops and breakout sessions are planned including two days of Go Fast Workshops – learn from industry experts and class champions how to get around the course faster. Topics include: Sail Trim, Racing Tactics & Strategy, Rig Tuning and more – Nick Turney, North Sails Tricks of the Trade: Boat Maintenance, Will Harris, Waterline Panel: PRO’s & Classes working together to create great regattas & increase participation Panel: What Makes Classes Strong? Greg Fisher and a panel of class leaders Insurance Myths Dispelled: Making Smart Decisions, Sarah Davidson, Gowrie Group Manage Your Image in Class Marketing & Media, Fried Elliott Lightning Boat Grant Program, Laura Jeffers One Day Race Management Seminar – Friday, Nov. 11 at BHYC (extra fee) Learn more about these keynote speakers and their presentations. REGISTER: The $150 ($195 for non-members of US SAILING) registration fee includes the official ODSS notebook, more than 25 presentations, panel discussions and workshops, plus two cocktail parties, two lunches, morning coffee and access to Saturday evening’s awards dinner with keynote speaker Gary Jobson. Extra tickets for Saturday cocktails, dinner and presentation may be purchased for $60 per person. BONUS! All US SAILING members attending will receive a free copy of Dave Perry’s Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing and Winning in One-Designs. Register online today! Visit the event website Preliminary Agenda Travel & Accommodations Questions? Email LeeParks@ussailing.org or call 1-401-683-0800 x650. US SAILING One-Design Awards will be presented at the Symposium. Know someone deserving? Make a nomination before October 15.
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