By Airwaves writer Sammy Pickell
The 2016 U.S. Junior Women’s Doublehanded Championships in Mississippi welcomed its sailors with the famous Bay St. Louis presence of both humidity and southern hospitality. The event offered 29 competitive teams from all across the country the opportunity to culminate their stories of preparation and hard work in three days of racing. For some, the event served as a stepping stone for other national events later in the summer, particularly allowing the top two
teams to qualify for the Youth Championships held in August. For others, placing at Ida Lewis would serve as the pinnacle of their sailing careers thus far. Ida presented every team with an equal opportunity to showcase everything they have learned about sailing a club 420.
Much of the preparation for the three days of racing came from the critical two days before the regatta. World class coaches at the top of their craft in both college sailing and high level competitive youth sailing helped prepare all the girls at practice clinics. Sailors and coaches tinkered with their charter boats and worked together on boat handling skills later out on the water, as steady southerly winds funneled in usually after scattered thunderstorms dissipated by the venue. Coaches not only emphasized the importance of fine tuning and rigging, but also of
hydration in the humid environment. Sailors also met their generous host families for the week and settled in at host homes of Bay St. Louis locals, another crucial aspect to building up peak performance. Emma Batcher from San Diego, California called a large summer house with 17 other girls her home for the week. “The host family’s importance can’t be overstated,” said Emma. “We are all able to do our best in an unfamiliar place thanks to the hospitality of our families.”
Emma Batcher’s host family may have held the key to her success. She and her skipper
Amanda Majernik narrowly made the podium, securing a fifth place after some strong finishes
throughout the week. Even more impressive, her skipper’s journey to Ida Lewis started off in the
front of the boat, as Amanda crewed at the 2015 Ida Lewis and only began her debut as a skipper
that same summer as well. Amanda and third place skipper Tanner Chapko, also from San Diego,
share similar stories. Tanner began her experience with double-handed boats as a strong crew,
working for years to master her trapping skills and jib trim. However, she soon learned she was a
force to be reckoned with in the back of the boat as well. Tanner and her crew Megan Lansdale
made success imminent as well as enjoyable with their many laughs during the week and mutual
understanding of each other as crews.
Another team on the podium hailing from California, the fourth place boat included fifth
time veterans to the Ida Lewis regatta Aitana and Lorea Mendiguren. Their journey together
began long before their sailing partnership did, as twins sailing against each other since they
were young. The twins began their Ida Lewis journeys barely old enough to compete and now
finished up their experience during their last summer sailing together before college. Reaching
this spot on the podium has been a long and memorable journey for them both. “I’ll miss my
sister and it’ll be difficult because I have come to understand what she needs from a crew, so the
transition will be tough,” says Lorea. “But I’m always up for a new challenge and love meeting
people who love sailing as much as I do.” Lorea and Aitana will part ways for the first time in
fall— Lorea to the University of Southern California and Aitana across the country to the George
Washington University. The twins will also part ways as teammates after five years of Ida.
Contrary to Lorea and Aitana’s long involvement in the championships, both the winning
team and the runner up are relatively new to the club 420 and are first time Ida Lewis
competitors. The winners of the entire regatta, Sarah Burn and Patricia Gerli, grew up in New
Jersey dominating the Optimist fleet; each immediately transferred this power into Ida Lewis—
one of their first club 420 regattas. Similarly, in the case of the second place team including
skipper Michelle Lahrkamp and Gabrielle Delbello, Michelle only finished up sailing optimists
last summer. Both sets of girls are only incoming sophomores, giving them plenty of time to
keep building on their already huge accomplishments from the week.
The podiums at national sailing events present much more than skillful sailors able to tactically overcome competition out on the race course. Behind each team called up to receive their trophy, separate stories of preparation make the end result incredibly special after so much time and effort spent training for the event. Each Ida Lewis clearly differs from the next, but the level of talent exhibited by young women on the water is a factor that surely won’t change as long as the regatta is around.
Get Ready for the 2016 RS Feva North American Championship!
Over the weekend of August 6th and 7th, Indian Harbor Yacht Club Connecticut, will be hosting the 2016 RS Feva North American Championships.
The RS Feva Class is sailed and loved all over the world, popular with junior racing enthusiasts, training programs and sailing schools. It currently has a booming international race circuit, with the World Championships in Santander, Spain, this year seeing over 160 boats entered and competitors from as far afield as New Zealand to coming to compete!
The RS Feva Class is probably one of the friendliest and fun, as well as providing young sailors with competitive racing across all levels of ability. This summer, the RS North Americans is really not one to be missed. Come and experience the buzz for yourself.
Located on Long Island Sound in Greenwich, Connecticut, Indian Harbor Yacht Club has a rich sailing tradition going back over 125 years. IHYC is experienced in hosting top level events and is proud to be hosting the inaugural RS Feva Class this year! The club will be putting on racing on Saturday and Sunday and a great socialising opportunity in the form of a BBQ on Saturday night!
Entry costs $125 for the weekend and charter boats are available from Zim Sailing
For information about the RS Feva Class and events go to and for details about the boat go to
For further information, please contact:
RS Sailing North America – Todd Riccardi
Martin Murray Comet Regatta Report & Results
The Martin Murray Comet regatta was well attended by 18 Comets. There were several new faces, Steve McMillan from Lake Hopatcong, John DiLella Green Pond sailing instructor, Michael Tolsma from Green Pond, and Peter Goodman from North Jersey. The Comet Class Association is alive and well!
Everyone enjoyed the two days of socializing with the high point being the Saturday evening beefsteak dinner with a live band afterwards.
Once the fog cleared Saturday morning four races were held that day and three more on Sunday. The hard luck prize goes to Mark Buruchian who was winning the last race when his mast step gave way and the rig slowly fell into the pond.
Always a joy to sail on a fresh water lake and to be able to cool off between races.
Thanks to Kathy Watson and Richard LaBossiere for running another great regatta.
Remember that Whitecap Composites produces new Comets, right here in the USA. Check our their website and learn more about this great class, and their new boats!
1st 4151 Talbott & Lee Ingram. 1,1,2,1,2,3,(5) = 10 pts (sailing a Whitecap Comet!)
2nd 3418 Peter & John Schell. (7),5,4,5,1,1,1 = 17 pts
3rd 4102 Rob & Drew Schell. 2,(9),7,3,5,2,2 = 21 pts
4th 4086 Bob Griswold & Kristen Dawson. 3,3,5,4,4,(10),10 = 29 pts
5th 4088 Kevin & Ashley Buruchian. 6,(10),3,6,7,5,3 = 30 pts
6th 4148 Wick Dudley & Tina Lauver. 5,2,6,8,6,(12),4 = 31 pts
7th 3468 Brad Meade & Caitlin Goodman (15),4,11,14,3,4,6 = 42 pts
8th 4137 Joe & Ian Lauver 4,(14),10,2,9,14,7 = 46 pts
9th 3983 Mark Buruchian & Greg Gilbert 13,11,1,7,14,8,(DNF) = 54 pts
10th 4077 Reed Valliant & Ridgely Kelly (16),7,12,12,10,6,8 = 55 pts
11th 4093 Ralph & Matt Grossmann 10,8,8,9,(15),15,10 = 60 pts (tie break)
12th 4130 Rick & Sarah Sloan 11,(13),9,11,11,9,9 = 60 pts (tie break)
13th 4022 John & Paul DiLella 9,6,13,13,8,(13),13 = 62 pts
14th 4084 Steve McMillan & James Byrne 8,(15),15,10,13,7,11 = 64 pts
15th 4023 Michael Tolsma & Ron Damiano (17),16,16,15,16,11,14 = 88 pts
16th 3938 Ellen Bakalian & Charlotte Smith 12,12,14,(DNF), DNS,DNS,DNS,= 95
17th 4030 Peter Goodman & John Gaidimas (18),18,17,16,17,16,15 = 99 pts
18th 3382 Keith Callahan and Brayden Huston 14,17,(DNS),DNS,12,DNS,DNS=100
Tips to Training During the Summer Sailing Season
By Airwaves Fitness Expert Rachel Bennung
Summer is in full swing! Which means of course the summer sailing is here. With the warmer temperatures, and nicer weather we are all able to get back out on the water more often. For some this is your big season because you aren’t able to sail as much in the other seasons. We are all excited to have this weather back, but what happens to our fitness plans in the summer? This is something that may not seem as essential since you are sailing more often. However, continuing your fitness training during the summer season is essential to your success out on the water.
Just because your sailing more often in the summer doesn’t mean the workouts stop; it just means they need to change. Here are four training tips to use this summer to help maximize your performance on the water.
Summer Sailing Training Tips
- Pick 1-2 days a week to strength train
- Don’t try to make any major improvements in the weight room.
- Know you body and when you need to rest
- Focus on recovery
- Pick 1-2 days a week to strength train
During the week you want to try and pick one to two days you can get in a strength routine. Since some of you will be sailing 4-6 days a week during the week, you won’t be able to do strength more then 1-2 days. For your strength routine you want to try and pick days that you aren’t sailing, or you have a light day of practice. Try to spend 30 minutes to an hour for these workouts. Focus on areas of your body where you feel you need some improving.
- Don’t try to make any major improvements in the weight room.
When you are in season you don’t want try to make any major improvements in the weight room. The focus while in your sailing season is to maintain the gains you made in the off season. You want to work on quality work, and not push your body too far. You can burn out and possibly get injured trying to make any major improvements with your strength during your sailing season.
- Know you body and when you need to rest
Some days you just need some rest. Know your body and when you are hurting and just need to rest for the day. Even if its a day you had planned on doing your strength training, take the time and rest your body. The only thing that can come from working out while your already tried and sore is injury. Once your injured your out for the season, so its always worth taking that day off. Missing one or two workouts isn’t going hurt your performance.
- Focus on recovery
During your sailing season you always want to spend extra time focusing on recovery. You are using those essential muscles more often while in season. So spend extra time before and after sailing, and your workouts stretching and foam rolling. Maybe try some yoga on your rest day to get some extra stretching in. Also make sure your body is getting enough sleep each night.
Summer fitness training for sailing is just as important as your off season training. It takes your body a long time to get into your top shape, and without continuing a routine you will lose all the gains you made in the off season. Fitness training never stops it just changes depending on what season you currently are in. These four tips; picking 1-2 days a week to strength train, not making any major improvements in the weight room, knowing your body and when you need rest, and focusing on recovery, will all help you keep going through this summer sailing season! Check out the video below for some good moves to add to your strength routine and that will help enhance your sailing performance this summer!
For more information on fitness for sailing contact Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
Life in the Fast Lane: 2016 29er National Championship Regatta Report
Sail1Design would like to welcome our newest writer, and addition to our High School Reporting Staff, Camille White. Camille White grew up in Annapolis, Maryland where her sailing career started at age 7 in the Opti program at Annapolis Yacht Club. Camille moved up from Optis and into the Club 420, which she sailed for three years. After Camille won C420 Nationals in 2015, she transitioned into a new boat she is currently sailing, a high performance skiff— the 29er. Camille will be a junior during the 2016-2017 school year. She is a crew on Severn School’s varsity sailing team, where she will continue to sail CFJ’s and C420’s during the rest of her high school career. You can reach Camille at
Anyone who has sailed out of Sail Newport is familiar with its general and specific conditions. The sea breeze fills in just after noon with a nice southerly. The tide plays a significant role throughout the day, presenting both challenges and opportunities on the race course as it goes out and comes in. (photo from )
The 2016 29er National Championship was one of the largest 29er events on the East Coast: 35 boats competed in the three day event at Sail Newport in Newport, Rhode Island. The competition drew a diverse group of sailors, from the Virgin Islands, Antigua, Bermuda, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada.
There was very little wind on the first day, and it became apparent after the first two races that the boats that were doing well those races kept to the far left of the course during the windward legs. All of the pressure was coming from the very left; boats sailed as close to the wall as possible. Cloud cover prevailed for the second day, precluding the land from heating up, the cause the sea breeze could not fill in. The race committee therefore postponed on shore, but eventually sent the sailors out in the light and variable conditions. The left payed off just as it did the day before. The target number of races was 10 for the whole event, and because only three races were scored the day before, the race committee aimed for 5 the second day. Strong current pushed boats over the line in the late afternoon, and the committee flew the black flag for the fifth race. However, during the first leg of that race, thick fog rolled in, and the race was abandoned and only 4 races were scored. There was a stiff breeze the morning of the last day, but it was not coming from a sea breeze direction: another postponement. Once the race committee saw sea breeze clouds moving in and the breeze coming from the odd direction dying, they proactively sent the sailors out. Just as predicted a very nice breeze filled in; the most breeze the sailors had seen during the whole event. The race committee ran 4 races that day, achieving the 10 race goal for the regatta.
Until the last day, Christopher Williford and Cate Mollerus led the event by 5 points with only 16 total points, but Ryan Ratcliffe and Sam Merson had a successful last day scoring a 2nd, two 1sts, and a 3rd, winning the 2016 29er National Championship overall by three points.
For Results of the 2016 29er National Championship, click here, and for pictures from the event, click here.
Team USA WINS Optimist Team Race World Championship!
Sail1Design is elated and proud to share the following:
The United States of America are the new Team Racing World Champions. This is the first time the USA has won in the 33 year history of the competition. Optimist World Championship 2016 has finished today in Vilamoura, Portugal.
It was a very long day in Vilamoura. It started in the morning to finish the qualifying series and has longed almost until 5 pm, when the race committee have decided that was impossible to have the semi final between Argentina and Italy and the final, where the USA had already the place.
The wind was light and shifty and dropped completely when the decisive matches would’ve been sailed.
USA finishes first, a well deserved title. Argentina was second and Italy ended third.
Team racing
Rank | Nat | Nat |
1 | USA | |
2 | ARG | |
3 | ITA |