The Fusion 15 was designed by America’s Cup designer Steve Killing as a middle-ground between flat-out racing skiffs and the heavier traditional boats many sailors learned on. As such, the Fusion 15 is fast and fun, with a large sailplan and asymmetrical spinnaker complemented with a hull with good form stability and a ready willingness to plane. The Fusion 15 also flexible – although the sailplan is powerful, the jib is roller-furled and self-tacking via a ball-bearing Harken car and the chute is set by a very simple launcher, so the boat can confidently be sailed single-handed, by a good sailor and a novice, or two skilled sailors. The Fusion 15 was designed also with an eye to sailing schools, as a transition between novice boats and more demanding skiffs. Like a skiff, it has mylar sails and an asymmetric chute; in contrast though, the hull form is relatively stable and the chute is set on an extended bow, so the boat is much more durable. Killing succeeded so well in his design goals that the boat was awarded Sailing World’s Boat of the Year award in the Performance Dinghy category. Moreover, sailing schools using the boat have noticed growth in their numbers as word-of-mouth circulates about an experience that’s exciting as well as informative.
Fusion 15 Specifications
Length…….. 15′ 8″
Beam………. 5′ 6″
Draft……….. 5″ cb up
4′ 0″ cb down
Sail Area….. 142 sq. ft. (Main + Jib)
79 sq. ft. (Spinn)
Weight.. 290 lbs. (rigged)
Crew………. 1,2, or 3