Passionate Instructors Wanted!
Courageous Sailing Center of Boston, Inc. Now hiring for the 2010 Spring and Summer Youth Program.
Passionate Instructors Wanted!
Courageous Sailing Center of Boston, Inc. Now hiring for the 2010 Spring and Summer Youth Program.
This Farr 40 is built by US Watercraft and has a Grand Prix bottom, rudder and keel by Fastyacht, Alabama. The boat has had light use and is in perfect condition.
The Splash World Sailing Championship for international youth sailors is being raced this week off beautiful Takapuna Beach in Auckland, New Zealand. 74 competitors from 12 countries are participating.
On the eve of the first official race anticipation was high as sailors prepared for the opportunity to secure sailing’s first world title of 2010 by competing in a warm-up race in brisk 15 knot conditions that provided testing opportunities where sailors could test their boat speed against one another.
The fleet is dominated by the large New Zealand team of 44 sailors enjoying the opportunity to sail in home waters. The pre-Worlds regatta held prior to Christmas was led by George Lane (North Shore), Michael Cate (Northland) and reigning world champion Declan Burn (Picton), with Melissa Gibbs (North Shore) the leading girl. Other New Zealanders considered serious prospects are former World Champion Optimist sailor Chris Steele (North Shore), and 2008 Splash World Champion Ben Lutze (Taipa).
There are 14 entrants from the Netherlands, including Nienke Reina Jorna, who won the Girl’s title in 2009. Amongst competitors from the Cook Islands, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands Antilles, Germany, France, Peoples Republic of China, American Samoa, Samoa and Switzerland, are European Opti Champ Etienne Le Pen of New Caledonia, and 2008 World Girls Champ and 2009 Runner-Up, a female sailor named Philipine van Aanholt from The Dutch Antilles.
“Everyone here is doing their best,” says Netherlands coach Jildert Koopman. “Our success depends on the conditions. Last year we won the world championships for the ladies.”
Dutch competitor Wouter Hufen nominates Ben Lutze, Mathieu de By and Nienke Reina Jorna as sailors that he will be watching very closely, whilst New Zealand’s Splash Class President Helen McKenzie suggests that the conditions – which look to be predominantly light to moderate, with at least one heavier day, will influence the outcome.
Reigning champ, New Zealander Declan Burn, always performs very strongly in the light, she says, while Ben Lutze and George Lane are exemplary heavy air sailors, as are several of the Dutch competitors, all here with the intention of taking home the trophy.
Declan Burn excels in light conditions but heavy air sailing is something that he has been working hard on, says his father, Rob Burn. Whilst still under 60kg and therefore relatively lightweight compared to several other sailors at the top end of the fleet, the extra height Declan has gained in the last year has given him important leverage in heavier seas, and he will be able to perform consistently in anything under 25 knots.
Here on his second trip to Takapuna for a sailing world champs, Stefan Maes is a parent accompanying the Belgian team of three sailors on their New Zealand trip. He states that their goal is to make it into the top ten or fifteen.
The Splash class is one of few international classes to encourage females to compete on a fair footing with males, and Norwegian international Ina Berentsen Kullman, who has been training locally in a coaching group with New Zealand sailors, is tipped to be ‘wickedly’ quick. Rival Philipine van Aanholt, who was very sick during the 2009 Worlds yet still performed very consistently, is racing this year despite being on crutches with an injured ankle, and 17-year old Aucklander Melissa Gibbs is competing in her third world championship regatta and following a top race season, intends to push hard for a top finish.
The forecast is for heavier racing on Monday, which will ease on Tuesday.
The Splash Dinghy is a fast, modern single handed dinghy designed for sailors under the age of 19. Favoured for its ability to build confidence in mostly teenage sailors, the boat is a step up from the Optimist, and a precursor and training vessel for the Laser class raced by both men and women at the Olympic Games.
The line up at the 2010 Splash World Sailing Championships includes 75 youth sailors from 12 countries. New Zealanders have been world champions in the class in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2009, and in 2009 New Zealand also won the Nations Cup at the Splash World Champs held in Europe.
Racing proper starts at 11am on Monday 4 January, and conditions permitting, 13 races will be held, finishing on Friday 8 January, and followed by a prizegiving on the Friday evening.
Takapuna Boating Club is organising the Splash World Sailing Championships, with support from North Shore City Council, SPARC, The Lion Foundation, Victoria Cruising Club and Yachting New Zealand.
The best spot for viewing is the beachfront reserve around Takapuna Boating Club on Takapuna Beach, where boats will be readied and launched from the beach each morning, or on the waters between Takapuna Boating Club and Rangitoto Island, from the first start at 11am.
Prizes will be awarded to the winner of the Open Splash Championship, the best female winner, and the country with the lowest total points from amongst their three best sailors.
Editors: for photography or more information, please contact:
Zoe Hawkins
021 273 5070
All competitor enquiries should be directed to Takapuna Boating Club –
The Orange Bowl Regatta came to an exciting close on December 30, finishing up the youth regattas of 2009. We saw every condition from flat water, no wind, and 85 degrees to high waves, 15 knots, and too-cold-for-Florida weather. As always, the regatta was very well run, the race committees were excellent, and the competitors had a lot of fun. Click the class names below for results.
Tommy Garber, an Opti sailor new to the fleet, summed up the regatta for the younger sailors saying , “It helps to not be over.” Even the second place finisher, Peruvian Javier Arribas, had two OCS scores in the final results. The other two top places were occupied by local brothers Christopher and Duncan Williford, Christopher beating Duncan by 11 points. Christopher also won Red Fleet while Gabriel Elstrodt of Brazil won Blue and Wiley Rogers of Houston won White.
Despite an OCS in the last race, Graham Landy and Colin Murphy held on to their position for the final day to win the C420 class. The team was closely followed by brothers Chris and Daniel Segerblom in second. Tyler Rice and Billy Gibbons, who finished third overall, found that an effective strategy for them involved singing Taylor Swift songs. Loudly. Interesting idea, and it seemed to work for them.
Morgan Kiss and Katia DaSilvia won the I420 class with only 40 points in 12 races. They and the team of Deirdre Lambert and Tracy Doherty were two of the three all-girl teams to finish in a top five place. Raul Rios and Rogelio Fernandez finished between the two to get second place. Marcus Edegran, a recent buyer of an I420, credited the success of the last minute addition of the I420 class to many young sailors who, like him, bought the boats in order to compete internationally and participate in the Youth Worlds Qualifiers taking place in a few weeks. Due to the number of participants this year, the I420 class may become a permanent addition to the regatta.
John Wallace won the Laser Full class with less than 20 points accumulated through the 12 races. Andrew Fox just barely beat out Ricardo Montemayor in a tie breaker for second place. These three competitors created a 20 point gap between themselves and the rest of the fleet, most likely because none of them held any race worse than a fifth place.
Max Lopez, an experienced Radial sailor, described his competitors’ success as coming from “having abs of steel and hiking like nobody’s business”. Clearly the windy conditions of this regatta made a lasting impression on him. Mateo Vargas, who must have followed Max’s advice, finished first despite his high scoring last race beating Stefano Mazzaferro by only five points. Mitchell Kiss rounded out the top three with 68 points.
Just Van Aanholt barely took first place in the 4.7 class by one point from Max Stein who lost it in a protest in the eleventh race. Juanky Perdomo finished in third despite two OCS scores which he dropped.
For further information and sponsers see the Coral Reef Yacht Club website.
Pl | S# | Crew | Tot |
1 | 3 | Matt Allen & Andrew Schneider | 32 |
2 | 45 | Colin Merrick & Amanda Callahan | 38 |
3 | 28 | John Storck III & Caila Johnson | 78 |
4 | 25 | B T Spiller & Sally Evans | 84 |
5 | 34 | Austin Anderson & Catherine Pelo | 107 |
6 | 1 | Charles Higgins & Steph Roble | 111 |
7 | 27 | Michael Collins & Morgan Wilson | 121 |
8 | 47 | Max Bent & Sarah “Domer” Whalen | 123 |
9 | 14 | Kaity Storck & Ian Storck | 142 |
10 | 17 | Ben Quatramani & Emily Anderson | 152 |
11 | 41 | Gavin Rudolph & Dillon Paiva | 160 |
12 | 43 | Mike Warren & Carolyn Chaikin | 174 |
13 | 46 | Billy Martin & Sarah Donahue | 179 |
14 | 6 | Arthur Blodgett & Julia Melton | 190 |
15 | 44 | Graham Mergenthaler & Ashley Kark | 191 |
16 | 32 | Max Bulger & Ryan Shea | 196 |
17 | 21 | John Moulthrop & Kaitlyn Van Nostrand | 213 |
18 | 8 | Mathew Goetting & Stephenie Pretty | 217 |
19 | 39 | Frank Pizzo & Ben Berg | 222 |
20 | 30 | Andrew Meleney & Carl Segen | 225 |
21 | 4 | Max Famiglietti & Mike Dowd | 230 |
22 | 29 | James Ewing & Megan Booth | 233 |
23 | 35 | Gordon Wolcott & Mike Komar | 235 |
24 | 31 | Maggie Shea & Katrina Salk | 238 |
25 | 23 | Jon Enright & Megan Place | 244 |
26 | 11 | Mark Dinneen & Alison Bitt L | 244 |
27 | 7 | Elizabeth Whipple & Stephen Sweriduk | 249 |
28 | 48 | Gordon Mack & Lindsay Olsen | 250 |
29 | 10 | Sam Padnos & Chris Klevan | 266 |
30 | 5 | Will Stocke & Sam Arnington | 269 |
31 | 16 | Kathryn Metscher & Sprague Brodie | 287 |
32 | 9 | Matt Sterett & Peter Miller | 294 |
33 | 26 | Philip Crain & Reguli Granger | 304 |
34 | 52 | Clinton Hayes & Molly Doyle | 307 |
35 | 33 | Albert Michals & Armelia Quinn | 318 |
36 | 40 | Stuart MacNeil & Caitlin Beach | 322 |
37 | 24 | Natalie Salk & Sylvia Tucker | 327 |
38 | 50 | Billy Hines & Carolyn Griffiths | 342 |
39 | 12 | John Porter & Katrina Barnes | 353 |
40 | 2 | Colin Smith & Ashley Noble | 354 |
41 | 49 | Carolyn Nye & Leigh Fogwell | 361 |
42 | 38 | Dalton Tebe & Carolina Echenique | 365 |
43 | 42 | Eric Stickney & Emile Mademann | 378 |
44 | 36 | Matt Carmody & Marisa Nixon | 380 |
45 | 15 | Donald Massey & Monica Trejo | 388 |
46 | 18 | Chris Berger & Marcella Grunert | 390 |
47 | 19 | Wells Bacon & Kevin Lau-Hanson | 407 |
48 | 51 | Connor Bair-Cucchiaro & Brian Felsenthal | 423 |
49 | 20 | Michael O’Connor & Michelle Sherlock | 428 |
50 | 22 | Erin Collins & Matt Hansen | 454 |
51 | 13 | Bryan Paine & Tori Wallis | 455< /td> |
52 | 37 | Rob Kotler & Grant Beach | 455 |