By Airwaves Writer Tyler Colvin
Often times in sailing, races are won and lost in the weight room. Physical conditioning has come to the forefront in recent years as being just as important as developing boat handling skills. In fact, much boat handling can’t be properly practiced or executed without the proper conditioning base. This applies as much to keelboat sailing as it does dinghy racing, with emphasis on slightly different muscle groups.
As a US Sailing Level 3 Race Coach, Collegiate Coach and NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, I am in a unique position to provide sailing specific workouts. This weekly series will be mainly aimed at High School and College aged dinghy sailors and can be conducted without any equipment. Any questions can be directed to me at Upon request I can also provide personalized workouts depending on your or your teams needs.
Disclaimer: As with any workout program, please consult your physician if there are any questions regarding your ability to exercise.
Week 1: Building Blocks
This circuit based workout concentrates on functional strength and muscular endurance. Core strength is paramount in dinghy sailing, especially on windy days. In this Week 1 circuit we will work on full body strength using bodyweight exercises, requiring nothing but a stopwatch, water and an open place.
Warm Up:
-10-15 minutes. Go for a run, ride the bike, stair climber, something to get the hear rate elevated and a quick sweat going.
Exercises x20, 3 times through
–Lunge: alternating left/right, each step should be long enough so that your front knee is at a 90-degree angle and back knee is touching the ground. Think about dropping your hips down instead of getting your weight over the front of your toe (on your front foot).
–Push up: From your knees or on your feet, keeping your back straight, lead with your chest into the ground until your elbows are at right angles.
–Mountain Climbers: From push-up position, alternate bringing your knees towards your chest.
–Body weight squat: Standing with legs slightly more than shoulder width apart, drop your hips back like you are sitting down in a chair.
Work Out: Do each exercise for 1 minute with a 10 second pause in between. 2 minute rest in between each set, cycling through 3 times.
–Plyo Squats: Similar to the bodyweight squat, at the top jump as high as you can, landing into a squat.
-Full Sit Ups: laying flat on your back, hands over your head, sit up and touch your ankles.
-Push Ups: From your knees or on your feet, keeping your back straight, lead with your chest into the ground until your elbows are at right angles.
-Line Hops: If you have a line, great, if not, imagine one. Jump back and forth across this line, speed does not matter just continual motion for the full minute.
-Jump Rope OR Burpees: Burpees: starting in pushup position, go down, come up, bring both feet in towards the chest in one motion, jump up in the air and reach towards the ceiling.
Core: Each exercise x20 (except plank), 3 times through
–Plank (30 seconds): In pushup position, settle onto your elbows. Back should be straight with no arch in the lower back. Glutes are tight as are the abs.
-Alternating Leg Lift V-Up: Laying flat on your back arms and legs out straight, reach your right arm and left leg up and touch them above your belt. Try to get your shoulder blade and opposite hip off the ground. Alternate.
-Alternating Superman: Laying on your stomach with your arms and legs out stretched, raise your opposite arm and leg while keeping them straight.
-Russian Twist: Sitting on your tailbone, raise your legs off the ground several inches. Twist your upper body back and forth touching the ground on either side.
Whens week two coming around? I really like this workout!
What is the cool down?