Spring is here, well at least we hope (this March weather has been a little crazy)! Which means the sailing season is back throughout the country. Hopefully, you took the winter to focus on getting stronger and eating right for a better sailing season. However, for those of us lacking in this area over the winter, this article will help you step up your game for a better sailing season. And for those of you who did keep up those workouts and healthy diet, this will give you some tips to keep going, and how to maximize your time during the season as well as stick to a healthy diet.
Tip 1: Schedule Your Workouts
Not having enough time is the number one reason people say they don’t workout. However, as you know to get the best results on the water you want to get those workouts in. So by sitting down the week before to plan out your week and when you can workout, you can make sure you are able to get your training in. It is also a good idea to plan your training schedule a month in advance. Then the week before look at your schedule to see when you can get your training accomplished each day. Check out the month schedule and weekly schedule for examples on how to put a training schedule together.
Tip 2: Change It Up
You want to keep your workouts fun and effective. You don’t want to be doing the same training routine every day as that becomes boring as well as you will stop seeing improvements with your strength. That is where planning your training out in advance will help to change up your routines and see it on paper. Look for exercises that will challenge your body and make you work hard. Not only will you see better results on the water, but it won’t be so boring and repetitive.
Tip 3: Chart Your Progress
Charting your progress is a great way to see how your strength is improving. Without making notes we won’t have an accurate timeline of how we are doing with our training sessions. Dedicate a notebook to charting your progress. Bring that with you every workout and take some notes on how the workout went that day. For example, maybe you had in your workout to do as many push-ups in one minute as you could. Write down in your notebook how many you were able to get in that day, and now when you do that workout again you will be able to see if you had improvements.
Tip 4: Workout With A Teammate
Working out with a teammate is always better than alone. It’s a great way to help push each other through the workout. It also makes your training session more fun! Look at your week and talk to a teammate or friend to see if they are available to workout with you. You both will have fun and improve your strength for a better sailing season.
Tip 1: Hydrate
Hydration is key to better performance on the water and at the gym. When you don’t drink enough water you start to lose focus and your body starts to shut down. To make sure you are drinking enough water start carrying a reusable water bottle with you everywhere. This will help to remind you to continue to drink water throughout the day. The amount of water you should be drinking is half your body weight in ounces. So for a sailor that is 120 pounds they should be drinking at least 60 ounces every day. Then when you add training and sailing into the mix you will need to hydrate your body even more. Hydration is essential to keep going with your training, sailing, and everyday life.
Tip 2: Plan Out Your Meals
Just as you planned out your training schedule you want to do the same with your meals. By doing this you will ensure that you get the best and most nutritious meals throughout the week. There are different ways people will use this tip and you need to find the best way for you. You may write out what you plan to eat during the week. You may prepare food before the week gets started to have to eat throughout the week. For example cut up fruit and veggies, and or cook chicken and veggies. Find what works for you and use it to help prepare for the week.
Tip 3: Be Prepared
Sometimes you may be out or you finished up a workout and you are starving. You always want to be prepared to find the best meal to help enhance your performance and make you feel good. It’s always a good idea to pack some snacks in your workout bag for either during or after the workout. Some examples of great snacks after a training session are granola bars (try to stick to homemade ones or ones with not a lot of sugar), peanut butter and carrots, smoothie, nuts, and bananas. Sometimes you head out to lunch or dinner after a training session. Try to stay away from things on the menu that are fried and or use a lot of butter. Look for options that are more simple and cleaner to eat.
Tip 4: Find What You Like
We are not all going to like to eat the same things. So you want to test out what works for you and what you like eating. Finding what you like to eat will make eating right easier and more enjoyable. Make it fun and test out different recipes to find meals you enjoy.
With sailing season back in session you need to make sure you are still able to get that training routine in as well as eat right for better performance on the water. For training, schedule your workouts, change it up, chart your progress, and workout with a teammate. For your nutrition make sure to hydrate, plan out your meals, be prepared, and find what you like. Both your training and nutrition are essential components for your success in sailing as well as daily life. By using these tips you will set yourself up for success to accomplish both goals. Good luck and happy spring sailing!
For more information on fitness for sailing contact rachel@sail1design.com. Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
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