Coaches and or team captains this one is for you! With college and high school sailing in full swing, we thought we would do another article with a team workout. If you didn’t get a chance to read our past articles on this topic, check them out, Team Training Workout and Team Training: Circuit Workout. In these articles you will find the benefits of team training and different workouts you can do. In this article, we wanted to focus in on making your team workouts more fun, but also effective.
Maybe you are getting team workouts done in the early morning, before practice, or later in the evenings. Well, every sailor is going to be a little different on when they are more motivated to workout. I know for me, I find my motivation more in the mornings, and if I have to do an afternoon workout, I find it hard to get motivated and have fun. Since we are all different, and the times we might be doing training will vary a great way to get the team more motivated is doing training that is fun and keeps everyone engaged. Not only can you do a workout that is fun and more like a game, but you can make it effective, so your sailors are making gains on their fitness levels while working and having fun as a team.
This workout, you will find some partner activities, team relay races, and team-building activities. You can use this workout as a whole, or separate them to incorporate them into your training schedule. This workout will be fun and effective for enhancing your sailors performance out on the water for their next big regatta! Check out the workout below along with the video with the moves for the different exercises.
Team Workout
Warm up the team with dynamic stretching (5 minutes have the team line up and walk to a point and repeat or assign reps to each stretch)
- Lunge with a Twist
- Straight Leg Kicks
- Arm Circles
- Knee Ups
Repeat 3x
Partner Workout:
Partner your team up
- Partner Push Up with Hand Taps 30 secs
- Partner Crawl Under, Jump Over 30 secs each partner total of 1 minute
- High Five Sit-Ups 30 secs
- Jump Squat to High Five 30 secs
Rest for 45 secs Repeat 3x
Relay Race Workout:
Divide the team into two separate teams. Best of the three relay races is the winner and gets to award the losing team with 15 burpees.
Relay Race 1
- Bear crawl 30 ft, stand up for 10 jump squats, bear crawl back, 10 jump squats, next team member can go.
Relay Race 2
- Plank snake assign a point to race to then turn around and finish where the team started. Everyone goes in plank position in a line except the last person, they jump over each person. Once they reach the last person they get in plank, and the other end person gets up and is the jumper. If anyone drops from plank position, the team must start again.
Relay Race 3
- Sprint to a point, do 15 burpees, sprint back to start, do 20 split lunges, next team member can go.
Team Building Workout:
You have two different team building activities you can do, one in smaller groups and one as a bigger group.
100 rep Challenge
Break the group up into groups of 4. You can make a combination of your own exercises or use the ones we have listed. Have the group complete 100 reps of each exercise together they have to do at least 20 reps, leaving the last 20 reps to be distributed among the group. The remaining reps do not have to be distributed equally.
Challenge 1:
- Squats
- Push Ups
- Forward Lunges
- Tricep Dips
Challenge 2:
- Split Lunges
- Plank Up Downs
- High Knees
- Shoulder Taps
500 rep or 1000 rep Challenge
This is a challenge is for the whole team to do together. You can customize it depending on the size of your group. You can have them do 500 reps or 1000 reps for a big challenge. Again depending on the size of your group, assign a certain number of reps they must do for each exercise, then the rest can be distributed out to the team; however they would like. You can make a combination of your own exercises or use the ones we have listed or just do one exercise.
- Burpees
- Windmills
- Squats
Cool Down (5-10 minutes)
Foam Rolling
Static Stretching
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