Do you think sailing is a sport? Of course, it is! So just like any other sport, we need to make sure we are stretching and recovering for success out on the water! Without proper stretching and recovery prior to and after sailing, we can end of hurting ourselves and decreasing our performance. Stretching before and after a regatta may seem like a silly thing to do, but it’s so important to do for success out on the water. Maybe you remember to stretch, but forget to recover properly, this can also lead to decreased performance out on the water. Just as important as it is to build strength for sailing we also need to make sure we are taking care of our bodies and remembering to stretch and recover for our sailing adventures.
If you haven’t read our past articles on recovery and stretching check them out here:
Tips to Speed Recovery After Sailing and Training
Sailing Fitness: The Importance of Proper Stretching
To review from our article Sailing Fitness: The Importance of Proper Stretching. Let’s look at the different types of stretching:
- Self Myofascial Release or Foam Rolling: This form of stretching is done by rolling a piece of foam on different trigger points on your body. You are massaging away restrictions to your muscles to improve your soft-tissue extensibility.
- Static Stretching: This is done while your body is at rest. You use different movements to lengthen your muscle to an elongated position and hold it for at least 30 seconds.
- Active-Isolated Stretching: During this stretch, you are moving your joint through a full range of motion. Hold each stretch for 2 seconds then repeat for 5-10 repetitions.
- Neuromuscular Stretching or Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation: This stretching involves a Sports Performance Professional moving your limb until the first resistance barrier.
- Dynamic Stretching: This form of stretching is using your force production and body momentum to go through a full range of motion.
After reviewing the different types of stretching. Do you remember what stretching you do before and after sailing? Before sailing you want to focus on dynamic stretching for several reasons, it activates the muscles you are going to be using, it helps improve your range of motion, and it has shown to enhance your performance during activity. After sailing you want to focus on static stretching, active-isolated stretching, and foam rolling. All three of these can be used or combined to help reduce muscle fatigue, increase your flexibility, and help improve your circulation.
Check out our new before sailing stretching routine:
- High Kick – 10 each side
- Lunge w/ Twist – 10 each side
- Arm Crosses – 20
- Switch Lunges – 10
Repeat 2x
- Single Leg Deadlift – 10 each side
- T-Push Up – 10
- Side Lunges – 10 each side
- Standing Side Reach – 10 each side
Repeat 2x
- Knee Ups – 10 each side
- Arm Circles – 10 each way
- Side Leg Swing – 10 each side
- Knee Up Reverse Lunge – 10 each side
Repeat 2x
Lets review some simple tips to faster recovery:
- Hydrate
- Fuel Your Body
- Foam Roll and Stretch
- Get More Sleep
- Don’t Overtrain
As athletes, we tend to think all about how we can get stronger for our sport. We want to enhance that performance every time we are out there, however, I think we tend to forget about some simple ways to get there. We need to remember how important stretching and recovery are to help to enhance our sailing performance on the water. I know for me this can be a struggle, I want to get that workout in, but sometimes don’t spend the amount of time I should on the stretching and recovery. But we need to change that! Remember you need to stretch and you need to recover so you can perform out on the water!
Have fun with our new dynamic stretching routine before hitting the water!
For more information on fitness and nutrition for sailing contact Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.