Coaches this one is for you! With college and high school sailing in full swing, we thought we would focus on the team aspect of training. Looking for a new workout for your team this one is for you. Team training is a great way to bring together your team and get them stronger for better success on the water. Check out our previous article on Team Training, learn about the benefits, how to incorporate it, and a fun team workout.
Circuit training is a great way to train with your team. How circuit training works is you have different stations, and you have to complete the exercises for that station and then with no rest go to the next station. For our circuit training, we made it timed, so you move on to the next station when the time is up. The great thing about our workout is it can be done anywhere anytime no equipment needed. Maybe its too windy or too light for sailing, use this workout to get your team feeling the burn.
This workout consists of four different stations. You can split the group in even numbers throughout the stations. Have the groups do each circuit for 2 minutes then switch to the next station, there is no rest in between stations. Your rest will come when you completed all four stations. At that time you can rest for 2 minutes, then repeat two more times for a total of three rounds. The total workout is 30 minutes. Check out the workout below and the video for all the moves. Have fun and get your team strong with this workout!
Team Training Circuit Workout
-Warm up the whole group with Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes)
Station One:
- 10 Squats
- 20 Split Lunges
- 10 Squat Jumps
Station Two:
- 10 Push Ups
- 20 Up Down Planks
- 10 Tricep Dips
Station Three:
- 20 Russian Twists
- 15 In and Outs
- 20 Plank Shoulder Taps
Station Four:
- 15 Burpees
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 20 Skaters
-Cool down the group with foam rolling and static stretching (5-10 minutes)
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