Who says you have to workout alone? Coaches and sailors in this article you will learn a fun team based workout for sailors of all ages and abilities. Coaches if you have a team and you are looking for a fun way to get your sailors excited about working out, this is for you! Sailors if you have a group of friends that are looking for a fun way to get their workout in, this is for you! Making workouts that are fun and incorporate team activities, will build team spirit and facilitate camaraderie while getting your teams sweat on!
Benefits of team training:
1. Makes working out fun and exciting.
2. Gets the group working together.
3. Facilitates camaraderie.
4. Adds something new and different to working out.
5. Engages groups of all ages.
What you can incorporate into your team training:
1. Use workouts that split up the group into teams.
2. Use game workouts to make it fun and exciting.
3. Keep score, either by a point system or who finishes first.
4. Use team building games.
5. Use circuit training.
Team-based workouts are a fun and exciting way to engage your sailors. Now, who is ready to get their team workout on? Check out the team-based workout below along with the video of the moves for the workout. Always remember you want to make sure everyone is using the proper form to avoid injury. Comment below and tell us how your team is enjoying this new workout!
Team Workout:
-Warm up the whole group with Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes)
Core Activation:
The whole group together:
-15 Push Ups
-Sprint 50 yards
-15 Sit Ups
-Sprint 50 yards
-15 Squats
-Sprint 50 yards
Repeat 2x have group count reps out loud
The Workout:
Break up your group into two teams. The workout is divided into three challenges, each challenge teams race to complete. Whichever time wins more challenges at the end of the workout wins the workout.
Challenge 1:
1. 20 Sit Ups
2. 20 Jump Squats
3. 20 Tricep Dips
4. 20 Mountain Climbers
5. Sprint 50 yards
Repeat 2x
The first team to have every team member complete wins that challenge. Team members should motivate and push other team members to help them finish.
Challenge 2:
1. Sprint 50 yards
2. 30 Burpees
3. 30 Push Ups
4. 30 Russian Twists
5. 30 Shoulder Taps
Repeat 2x
The first team to have every team member complete wins that challenge. Team members should motivate and push other team members to help them finish.
Challenge 3:
1. 20 Tuck Jumps
2. 20 Sea Turtles
3. 20 Split Lunges
4. 20 Plank Ups
5. 20 Plank Jacks
Repeat 2x
The first team to have every team member complete wins that challenge. Team members should motivate and push other team members to help them finish.
A fun way to finish the workout all together as a whole team with a game of “Extreme” Duck Duck Goose.
How To:
Group forms a big circle facing outwards spaced apart. Everyone is jogging in place throughout the game. Someone in the group begins with being it jogging around the circle clockwise calling each player duck until they pick one to be the goose. Each time a player is called duck they do a squat. Once a goose is picked they run the opposite way of the person it and they both attempt to race to back to that empty spot. You may need to enforce a no physical-contact to avoid anyone getting hurt. If you have time let everyone have a turn at being it.
-Cool Down the whole group with Foam Rolling and Static Stretching
For more information on fitness and nutrition for sailing contact rachel@sail1design.com. Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
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