Summer is just around the corner! We couldn’t be happier that warmer weather is finally on its way. It’s been a long winter here in the Northeast, but the summer sailing season is almost here. Everyone enjoys the warmer longer days of summer, however, it’s easy to get wrapped up in summer and forget to follow your healthy habits. We all get busy with our regatta schedule and enjoying a little break that we sometimes tend to forget we have to stay healthy to perform at our top level at sailing events. Today you are going to learn some healthy tips to keep active and keep performing at a high level in your sailing events all summer long!
Stick To Your Routine
In the summer it can be easy to fall out of your routine. You might be remembering to eat healthy, but stop making time for working out. You want to make sure you are making time for everything that is essential to you performing at your best and staying healthy throughout the summer. Your routine may change a little bit in the summer, but you want to remember to keep following it to stay in top shape. For example, during the year you may workout in the evening, but with more time in the summer your workout routine may switch. Make a schedule and do your best to stick to it all summer long, your body and mind will thank you!
Eat Up Those Fresh Fruits and Veggies
One of the best parts of summer is all the fresh seasonal fruits and veggies! Eat up those fresh whole foods all summer long. Some of the summer seasonal vegetables are bell pepper, corn, zucchini, beets, and cucumber. Some of the summer seasonal fruits are cherries, strawberries, peaches, tomatoes, and blueberries. With a different schedule, it can be easy to forget to eat whole fresh food, but you want to take advantage of all these yummy fruits and veggies all summer long. You will feel better and be providing your body with all the healthy nutrients to help you perform out on the water.
Hydrate and Hydrate Some More
Hydration is not only key to your performance on the water, but essential to living well. In the summer we need to keep remembering to drink that water! With temps rising and spending more time in the sun, we have a higher chance of being dehydrated. We need to remember to always carry that reusable water bottle everywhere we go. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the day and forget to drink enough water, however, remember to drink up to avoid dehydration and feel better throughout the summer. Read Hydration Tips To Boost Your Sailing Performance for easy tips on how to drink more throughout the summer.
Keep Cool With Water Workouts
Summer means warmer weather and sunny days! Why not get out of that gym and on the water or in the water for that workout? There is a lot of different water activities you can do throughout the summer rather than be stuck in the gym everyday. Some excellent cross-training activities you can do throughout the summer include; swimming, surfing, and paddleboarding. Find different ways to cool down and enjoy the summer weather! You will still need to get those strength routines at the gym in, but take advantage of the warm water and weather for a different workout!
Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen
Who has gotten sunburned in the summer? I think we can all answer yes to this question. Getting sunburn is never any fun, and it’s not good for our skin. Long days on the water can lead to us forgetting to reapply, but don’t forget this summer! Carry a small bottle or some zinc sunscreen in your lifejacket, so you always have some with you. Also, wear some protective clothing to help block those summer rays.
Wear Those Shades
Just like using your sunscreen protects your skin, we need to protect our eyes as well. Remember to wear those sunglasses all summer long and protect your eyes. With sunny days on the water it’s essential to remember to wear those shades. Wearing those shades will not only protect your eyes from health related problems, but also from the elements of sand and wind. Always remember to put on those shades before heading out this summer!
Summer sailing season is almost here, let’s make it a summer filled with healthy habits! This summer don’t forget to stick to a routine, eat up fresh veggies and fruits, hydrate, do some water workouts, wear that sunscreen, and don’t forget those shades. Your body will thank you for sticking to these healthy habits throughout the summer and into the rest of the year. This summer be at your top performance with your summer sailing season by sticking with healthy habits throughout the summer. Sail fast and stay healthy!
For more information on fitness and nutrition for sailing contact Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
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