Looking for a way to up your sailing performance? Looking for a way to change up your fitness routine? Changing your routine and upping your performance is easier than you think. With a couple of easy tips, you can change up your fitness routine! Changing up your fitness routine will not only be fun, but you can better your sailing performance! With these simple tips and fun workout, you will see some significant performance improvements in your daily life and out on the water!
Tips To Changing Up Your Fitness Routine:
1. Step up your intensity
There are several ways to increase your intensity. It could be simple for example decreasing the amount of rest time or stepping up your speed in a workout. You could also do it by adding in drop sets, supersets, and slow reps. You know what kind of workouts you have been doing so think about how you could increase that intensity for a harder workout and better performance outcomes. It doesn’t have to be by much, but by changing it up a little bit every workout, you will see significant improvements in your performance. Up that intensity!!
2. Switch up your exercises/workout
To grow as an athlete and enhance your performance you need to target your muscles with a wide array of exercises and workouts. You need to challenge your body. Switching up your exercises and workouts makes your routine exciting and fun. You may not like doing those burpees but think of all the performance improvements you are going to gain. You don’t have to vary everything you do, start small and adjust exercises and workouts that change up that fitness routine a little bit at a time. Try something new!
3. Set a goal
Setting goals in your daily life are so essential for success. The same goes for your fitness routine. You want to have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals for your fitness performance. Having these goals is what is going to increase your performance out on the water. These goals don’t have to be big, for example, a daily goal could be to complete 50 push ups. You want to think about what your fitness goals are and make a point to accomplish them daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Accomplish those goals!!
4. Add a new fitness tool
Adding a new fitness tool can be fun and challenging! I remember when I first started using a sandbag for workouts. It was so challenging, but the results and performance I gained were amazing! You need to try something you have wanted to try and get after it! This may be as simple as trying paddle boarding or biking. It may be a new weight training tool, for example, a kettlebell or sandbag. Check out our previous articles for workouts using these tools: Kettlebell Training: New Workout To Add To Your Sailing Fitness Training and Sandbag Training: Build Serious Strength For Sailing. Try some new and have fun!!
5. Train other muscle groups
When we always use the same muscle groups, we aren’t going to see any major improvements in our performance. By surprising our bodies and using different muscles, we will change our muscles and see better gains. For example, I am trying to work on my grip strength and upper body strength, I don’t necessarily don’t like doing pull-ups, but I know I need them to help improve my grip and upper body strength. Also if you train one thing too often, it can lead to muscle imbalances and injury. Have fun and challenge your body!
6. Increase your weight
A couple of months ago I was ready for a change and challenge. So I decided to up my weight for some exercises. It was challenging at first, but it was fun getting stronger! Make sure you are ready for the weight increase and don’t overload your body. Make sure you don’t compromise form! Any weight increase is going to challenge your body and increase your performance. Increase that weight and watch your strength improve!!
Check out below our workout for changing your fitness routine up. We incorporated some high intensity and new fitness equipment for this routine. You can also watch the video for all the moves for the workout. Have fun using our tips to change up your fitness routine and watch your performance out on the water improve!
Change It Up Workout:
Warm Up with Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes)
Core Activation:
Plank (45 seconds)
Single Leg Squat (30 seconds each side)
Diamond Push Ups (45 seconds)
Switch Lunges (45 seconds)
Repeat 3x with 30 secs between each set
The Workout:
Ski Abs (45 seconds)
Butt Kicks (45 seconds)
Jump Squats (45 seconds)
Switch Kicks (45 seconds)
Repeat 3x with 15 seconds rest between sets
Sandbag Bent Over Row (15 reps)
Sandbag Bearhug Squat (20 reps)
Sandbag Standing Overhead Press (12 reps)
Repeat 3x with 30 seconds rest between sets
Mountain Climbers (45 seconds)
Switch Lunges (45 seconds)
Lateral Plank Walk (45 seconds)
Jumping Jacks (45 seconds)
Repeat 3x with 15 seconds rest between sets
Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift (15 reps each side)
Kettlebell Windmill (15 reps each side)
Kettlebell High Pull (15 reps)
Kettlebell Shoulder Halo (10 reps each direction)
Repeat 3x with 30 seconds rest between sets
Finish with 1 Mile Run (push yourself!) or Chest/Tricep Superset
Chest/Tricep Superset:
15 Tricep Dips immediately 20 Push Ups
Repeat 3x rest 15 seconds
Cool Down with Foam Rolling and Static Stretching (5 minutes)
For more information on fitness for sailing contact rachel@sail1design.com. Also check out Sailorcise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily tips on fitness, nutrition, and sailing.
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